Roadhog x Reader: Calming Comforts

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Warning: Anxiety and panic attack mentions

You stumbled along dirty streets and pushed weakly through crowds of people, making a beeline for the home you shared with the only person you wanted to see at that point in time. What exact moment had triggered the panic attack you were currently suffering from, you weren't sure, but it was one of the worst ones you've experienced. Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest that it actually hurt, you were shaky and dizzy, your hands felt numb, and the world felt like it was closing in and collapsing all around you. What was worse was that while exiting the building in which you worked, you'd left all your belongings behind, including your phone. This meant calling your partner wasn't an option.

And the copious amounts of people you had to trip through to get anywhere definitely weren't helping.

However, after what seemed like hours of struggling to breathe and walk, you finally reached your safe haven. At the same time as Mako, apparently, because he was just entering the house when you stumbled up the walkway. Luckily he noticed you before he closed the door and quickly caught you before you collapsed on the concrete steps.

Being the quiet, observant man he was, it took him less than a minute to piece together what problem you were facing. While you hid your face in your hands and your hair, he carefully scooped you up and brought you into your silent home where he then rested you on the couch. He removed his mask and his weapons, placing them on the rather large coffee table before he sat next to you and held you close.

"T-too many people.." you whimpered, burying your face into his arm; you were coated in a thin layer of sweat and shook like a leaf. "Th-there were big meetings and c-company groups kept showing up a-and s-someone had a birthday and there was so much noise a-and chaos and my superior k-kept pushing me to 'stop being a wallflower'–"

You would have continued to ramble on, had your big boyfriend not placed a finger on your lips and caused you to look up at him. Deep cerulean blue eyes made darker by worry met your own eyes briefly before he bent his head to nuzzle his upturned nose at the base of your hairline.

"It's okay, sweets." He spoke low and quietly, the hum of his deep voice running through his body and reaching your own. "You're at home with me now, not at work. It's quiet and it's just you and me."

Mako wasn't one for talking, so it was always a surprising and pleasant experience when he did so. His voice was so rich and rough at the same time, and could be so soft and caring despite the big and more than mildly intimidating body that housed it. If it weren't for your current situation, you might have commented how you felt he could make a hell of a living reciting audio books if the whole one man apocalypse thing didn't work out.

Your slowly calming thoughts were interrupted by your partner's speaking once again. "I'm going to have you do something for me, okay? Does that sound okay to you?" You nodded and he continued while relocating you from sitting next to him to resting on his lap against his large belly. "I'm going to count from one to ten, alright? While I count, I want you inhale until I count to ten, then exhale at the same rate. Concentrate on your breathing and calming yourself down. Understand?" When you gave him another nod, he began the process, and you with him.

Mako counted slowly, causing you to take deep breaths to calm down and clear your head from the anxiety that had clouded it. As he counted, he massaged your clammy, tingling hands, then traveled up your arms to knead at your shoulders and neck. One hand continued down your back while the other moved to your legs, rubbing your thighs in turn before massaging each of your calves and finally ending at your feet.

The combination of his soothing voice, his comforting massaging, and your deep breaths worked slowly until the chills stopped and your heartbeat calmed and the overwhelming dread you felt turned to heavy sleepiness. Now all you could do was curl your small body into your handsome hog's own while his voice when from counting to sweet nothings in your ear. These soft whispers continued until you eventually fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When you woke up, you were in the large bed you and Roadhog shared, wrapped in a soft pink blanket and clinging to one of Mako's many piggy plushies. You sat up and stretched, feeling weak with sleep but not with a hint of stiffness due to the massage you'd been given earlier. Looking around, you noticed the Roadhog mask laying in the mound of pillows beside you, something Mako always left as a token of comfort and well as proof that he was still around the house; he never left the house without it.

You picked up the mask and slipped it over your head before sliding out of the huge bed. With the pink blanket still wrapped around you and pig plush in hand, you wandered out of the bedroom in search of your boyfriend and was greeted by the mixed smells of various foods. Your nose led you to the kitchen, where said boyfriend was currently busying himself setting out an array of delivered pizzas, Chinese food, sushi, burgers, fries and several deserts.

You stood in the doorway and mimicked pig snorts to get Mako's attention; he turned to look at you with a smile and chuckled at your cozy, mask-clad form.

"Hello there, little pig." He wiped his hands on the sweats he now wore and walked over to you. He reached to remove the mask from your face but you hugged him instead, nuzzling the mask's snout into his belly. This earned you a chuckle as he plucked you off the ground and touched his nose to the snout instead. "How are you feeling?"

Keeping up your hog charade, you snorted in response.

"Is that so?" Roadhog's eyes sparkled with amusement. He rested you on the counter next to the buffet of food and took the pig plush from your hands to replace it with a paper plate. "Well, at least you're feeling better. You were worn out after that panic of yours. I thought we'd make up for lost time by a food fest. How does that sound, piggy?"

When you snorted again, he let out a rumbling laugh and pinned you in place by placing a large hand on either side of the counter next to your thighs. Then he began to nuzzle your neck and shoulders and chest with his nose, mimicking hoggy snorts until you were a squirming, giggling mess underneath him.

"M-Mako!" you squeaked between giggles, weakly pushing at him, "Sto-o-op! It ti-tickles!"

"Ah, so the piglet does speak!" He finally backed away to look at you and pushed the mask you were still wearing up until it rested on your forehead like a hat. He returned your sweet smile with a cheeky smirk of his own. "Just only in squeals. Good to know."

You're flushed face blushed deeper and you stuck your tongue out at him while lightly swatting him on the shoulder with a blanket covered hand.

"Your smile means the world to me," he hummed after a moment of quiet, then leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead, temple, nose, cheek, and finally your lips. He rested his forehead against your own and looked you in the eyes, his brightly colored eyes filled with a loving look that you'd never gotten quite used to, even after years of being with the man.

Slipping your arms around his neck, you began, "Well, as long as I'm with you–"

You were interrupted by not only your stomach rumbling aloud but Roadhog's as well. He laughed, a sound that rumbled through his body and yours, as he slid away from.

"I agree," he said, patting his stomach, "Wait until we're full and all cozied down. Then you can woo me and I'll give you something special in return."

Your hummed in approval before slipping of the counter to pile your own plate high.

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