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[Church-Parking Lot]. "At first I thought of not even coming because of a headache that occured on me all of sudden when I got out of my bed this morning but I had to for the sake of my colleague. I just had to come for the sake of watching Jazmine, walk up the isle in her beautiful dress of her choice to be by the man of her dreams even though whoever would've guessed it would be our boss. You've been quiet ever since we both came out here just to smoke a cuban cigar. What's on your mind big brother", Zachary, curiously ask me which makes me take my cigar out of my mouth & blow out a cloud of smoke before I look to my right at him who is tapping his feet on a small rock underneath him waiting for me to say something. "There really isn't much to say. It's been two years ago since we both seen her walk in the organization with her dreams of being one hell of a detective & now Jazmine, is about to get married to the man of her dreams. I believe the years went by mighty fast. It almost feels like yesterday when she whooped both of our asses in the training room one night in a two versus one sparring match", I tell Zachary, before I pass what's left of my cigar to my little brother who grabs it & take a huge puff of it just to suit his benefit. "I agree on that mostly a lot big brother. Why aren't you interested in dating any woman", Zachary, ask me before he take another puff of my cigar. "I just haven't found the angel of my dreams yet & that is all I gotta say about that", I tell Zachary, who throws away my cigar when he's done with it just seconds before we notice ten black SUV's going by somewhat over the normal speed limit. "To see ten black SUV's driving at such speed like that just doesn't seem normal", Zachary, say in which in my mind I agree on but dismiss is at a minor problem that isn't as important unlike Jazmine's wedding which is about to start in ten minutes. "We better head on inside before we get locked out", I tell Zachary, before we both start walking from the parking lot by a few other people who are outside conversating or smoking with each other until we end up walking up on the side steps & inside we go. [Church-Women's Bathroom]. "This day is finally happening after so much praying & strong fighting. I'm about to marry the man of my dreams & his name is Taylor King, who will be my everything is said & done. I'm so excited that tears of joy is starting to fall down my cheeks. I believe this is how every woman feel on such a blessed day like the one I'm about to experience. I can't wait to look up at his shiny brown eyes as we make wedding vows to each other while we hold hands", Jazmine, thoughtfully tell herself while she ties a blue ribbon around her long black hair that changes it into a beautiful ponytail before she look in mirror & look at her own reflection within the mirror. "I really love this beautiful white wedding dress that I'm wearing along with the shiny white necklace around my neck & the white shoes that my soon-to-be husband bought for me", Jazmine, thoughtfully tell herself before a reflection of a smoky substance with glowing pink eyes fly pass behind her that causes her to quickly turn around wondering what the hell was flying behind her with such glowing eyes. "Who's there?! If you're playing some game on me then you better stop it or I swear I will call the police on you. You'll never stop me from making my wedding a success. I'm not gonna cuss because it is forbidden to do so in a church but you better get away from me & leave me alone whoever you are", Jazmine, say loudly that is enough for me & Zachary, who just happen to be near from our little smoking that we were both having outside earlier break in the door only for myself to get punched in the face by her without any hesitation. Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! What happened", Zachary, defensively ask Jazmine, while I use a tissue to wipe my nose bleed with. "Oh. I'm so sorry to cause such an alarm but I thought I may have seen a ghost of some kind with glowing pink eyes go by me", Jazmine, tell Zachary, before she walk up to him & without a warning slaps him not once but twice. "You jerks! Do you guys know how to knock on doors when ladies are in the bathrooms", Jazmine, angrily ask me & Zachary, before she take a seat in a chair laying against the wall & begin shaking her head. "We're sorry for budging in like we done but we just happened to be on the outside from our little smoke when we both heard you sound like you was being attacked", I tell Jazmine, as I walk to the trashcan & throw my bloody tissue in it while Zachary, remain leaning against the wall beside the opened women's bathroom door. "In that case you two guys weren't idiots but just concerned about me in which I fully accept but I still think that you two are idiots even though I love you both like brothers I never had in my life", Jazmine, tell me & Zachary. "We love you too. Um I hate to be on the schedule point but the wedding is about to start & I don't feel like being caught in this bathroom by any woman who are just gonna freak out so me & Desmond, are gonna get out of here & pretend like we never came in here", Zachary, tell Jazmine, who starts laughing before she get up from the chair & give us each a hug one by one. "Are you gonna be ok", I curiously ask Jazmine, who respond by giving me a thumbs up in which I respond by giving her a thumbs up as well before Zachary & I walk out of the women's bathroom with the door closed behind us. "Them two know how to really annoy me in a good way. I can't see myself quitting from my hard work as a junior detective when I have them two idiots around giving me the support I need for me to keep on going until the very end even as I get promoted to becoming a senior detective once my soon-to-be husband deems it necessary for me to reach the level", Jazmine, thoughtfully tell herself before her mother Victoria, who is also her private maid of honor walk in to see how her daughter is coming along with dress situation. "I decided to come in here to see if you needed any help plus to warn you that your man is now waiting for you to finally walk up the isle in that beautiful white dress until you find yourself standing in front of him as the many people who came out to witness this wonderful moment cheer you both on & wish you both a amazing future. I still hope to be a grandma while I'm still here you know", Victoria, tell Jazmine, before they hug each other with tears of joy falling down there faces. "I'm so excited mother. I've been praying for this fairytale to happen in my life & today I'm am about to be the princess who is about to walk on the red carpet & stand next to the man of my dreams who will be my husband, my prince charming, the man who I will make love to when we become a wedded couple, the father of my future kids & half of my beating heart that pumps my warm blood within my entire body", Jazmine, say to her mother Victoria, before eight or ten little girls dressed in white dresses also rush in with happiness. "I'm so very proud of my daughter. I know your father who is up in heaven looking down at you with a smile on his face is", Victoria, tell Jazmine, which start to make her eyes get watery from build up tears knowing how much she loved her father Stewart, who died seven months ago from tuberculosis that wasn't able to be cured by any means. "I know. I miss him so much mother", Jazmine, tell Victoria, who wipe her daughter's tears away with a napkin. "I know you do sweetie. I miss him too", Victoria, tell Jazmine, before they along with the little bridesmaid walk out of the women's bathroom & walk on that red carpet towards the groom Taylor King, who is waiting at the alter with his two assistants consisted of myself & my little brother Zachary, with Reverend. Rodriguez, standing behind us with a book in his hands as the entire room can be echoed with the many various instruments each representing every part of the wedding theme song in musical form that is being played from the amazing orchestra who came all the way from London, to this place here in Manhattan, New York, just to celebrate this wonderful moment for the beautiful bride dressed in a white dress & the handsome groom who is dressed in a black tuxedo. [Church-Isle]. "I feel like I'm about to cry. Do you have a tissue", Zachary, joking ask me which almost make me laugh but I suprisingly manage to keep myself from doing so as our collegue Jazmine, is finally standing on the right side of our boss who she is about to marry. "Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls of all ages we are gathered here today in this amazing church to celebrate the joining of Taylor King & Jazmine Maxwell. I remember these two coming in church when they were very young. Every Sunday they would participate in children activities that were bound to the church. As they grew from there childhood to there teenagehood I've noticed a strong friendship between the two but look what the Lord, has done ladies & gentlemen. Our Lord, has put these two together for a purpose just like he do for every couple who stay true to his holy words & stay on the good path that he created for them. Can I get a amen", Reverend. Rodriguez, ask all of us in which we all agree by saying amen as we clap our hands. "If anyone here has any reason that these two wonderful people shouldn't be together then speak now or forever hold you peace", Reverend. Rodriguez, say to all of us beside the bride & groom but no one in the room objects which only leave a sign of silence. Ok Taylor, you're first to repeat the wedding vows to your lady after me", Reverend. Rodriguez, tell Taylor, as he look at him. "Forgive me reverend but me & my lovely woman have our wedding vows already picked out for each other", Taylor, tell Reverend. Rodriguez, who buck his eyes wide open completely shocked from the groom's words but nod with agreement before he close his book containing the wedding vows. "Very well then. You may proceed when your ready", Reverend. Rodriguez, say to Taylor, who nod at him before he turn to face his beautiful woman & hold her hands while looking deep into her brown eyes. "I never thought in all of my years that you would love a guy like me but I am man enough to admit that I never imagined that I would have a wonderful love life with someone like you until you came into my life. I Taylor King, take you to be my lawfully wedding man--", Taylor, say to Jazmine, that not only make her laugh but all of us within the church who heard that small mistake laugh as well even though we all understood what he really meant to say. "Not only does love make someone do crazy things but apparently say things differently", Taylor, say once he realizes the mistake he just said. "It's ok sweetheart. I'm sure that all of us in here needed some laughter & you just happen to put the icing on the cake as always", Jazmine, tell Taylor, before her laughter turns back into a smile as tears of happiness begin to fall from her brown eyes down her face that she wipe away gently with her right hand. "I Taylor King, take you to be my lawfully wedded wife. You have turned my entire life around once you came into my life & made me the happiest man to still be alive & my ways of saying thank you is & always will be limitless because of how you make me feel each & every day no matter what I be going through. From our time as very young kids I had feelings for you but I was always to shy & full of embarrassment to tell you just how I felt. I fell in love with you then at such a young age & I didn't know why but now as an adult I have finally realized that it was just something special that I saw in you everytime we crossed paths which made me we were both meant to be together because of the time that our Lord, took out of his business schedule just to make us for each other so that one day we would both be standing here holding hands ready to take the next chapter in our lives. God, sent you down here from heaven just for me & for that I am grateful & blessed to have you. I thank you for saving my life in time from my addiction I had for the opiods pills that has taken the lives of many God's children. I love you so very very much Jazmine & no one & nothing can ever change that. Whatever you need in life I will support you however I can in any way that I can. If any organ within your body ever need a transplant I will sacrifice my life just to make sure that you continue living on & know that whatever organ from within my body that I give you for whatever reason will always be pure with my spirit being there to always protect you & our dear future unborn children when they come into this world. Please be my wife", Taylor, say to Jazmine, before he put the ring he bought for her around her ring finger that make his soon-to-be wife along with the many women & girls within the church to have watery eyes full of happy tears. "Okay Jazmine, it is your turn. You may proceed when your ready", Reverend. Rodriguez, say to Jazmine, who let some tears easily escape down her face from her brown eyes. "First off I would like to thank our dear God, for allowing us both to reach this wonderful point in our lives. I Jazmine Maxwell, take you Taylor King, to be my lawfully wedded husband from this point in time & forever more. I love you so very much & I to feel this way about you was meant to be. On the day at our very young age when we accidently held hands I felt like it was no longer an accident but something that was meant to happen. I remember blushing for the very first time on that day we held hands when we were both young & I have no regrets. As our childhood grew in our teenagehood sure did our friendship for each other. I always wanted to tell you how I felt about you but I was to nervous to confess it. I remember us having fun teasing each other under a very special tree that has grown in my parents backyard for many years until we stared deep in each other's eyes & followed it by having our very first kiss which is something I never will forget. We both started to know each other's thoughts & feelings like a chain connection for a very long time & shockingly we still have that rare ability. I knew you were battling with some sort of addiction but I never imagined it would be your addiction for opiod pills that has taken the lives of so many of God's children & I thank my intuitions for allowing myself to save your life & get you help that you needed in which you responded by saying thank you before you kissed me on my lips. A few months later while I was at home doing chores I never expected to get a phone call from you saying that you wanted to hire me as a detective because of my special intuition but I didn't turn it down. You came by the next morning & got me a job in the Sirius Company, as a rookie detective with so many abilities I never knew I had & friends I never thought would support me which consist of a few examples in this church by the names of Desmond & Zachary, who both decided to make this wedding for us possible. I will comfort you & always be there for you any way possible no matter what it may be. I will always support you on the good days & on the bad days whether the weather is sunny, rainy, windy, foggy, snowy, chilly, cold, warm or hot during the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter. Should you need an organ for whatever body part you need it for know that I will sacrifice my organ & myself for you just so you can keep on living even if you may not agree with my decision but realize that whatever organ I give you will always keep you alive & protected with my spirit. You make me feel like the luckiest woman in the world when I am with you & for that I thank you many times than you can count or know. I will always be by your side & take care of you because you are my prince charming & I am your princess. Please be my husband", Jazmine, say to Taylor, before she put the ring she bought for him around his ring finger which seems to have the same circumstance on the many boys & men including myself & my little brother Zachary, as we start to shed a few tears of our own which is sort of natural or unnatural. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband & wife. You may kiss the bride", Reverend. Rodriguez, say which is followed by Taylor, kissing Jazmine, passionately before we all except for the husband & wife begin clapping, cheering & whistling to the happily wedded couple until the entrance of the church gets busted down & in pour two masked people each wielding what looks like dual submachine guns. "SUPRISE", a Masked Person, with the voice of a asian woman shoutingly say before she along with the other Masked Person, begin unloading a barrage of bullets everywhere & at anyone including the bride & groom with the loud pitching noise of many people screaming echoeing through the entire church as many of us who came to celebrate this ceremony start to fall down with multiple gunshot wounds in a way like dominos until I also get shot at many times not knowing what will happen to me as my vision gets blurry & my body slowly gets cold minute by minute until the last thing I witness is Jazmine, getting shot at the same time as her husband Taylor. "Big brother! Big brother! Big brother", Zachary, keep saying as he tries to keep me from giving into death while he keep himself from getting himself shot in the process until my vision goes black & seconds later my hearing becoming able to hear anything else. "Why did this had to...[cough-cough]...be this way", I thoughtfully say as I feel myself fighting on a thin thread between living & dying as the vibration of the floor continue to keep me fighting on for my life that is tempting to slip away from me at any moment before I open up my eyes a little bit & see Jazmine, bleeding on her white dress in multiple areas around her chest as she shed a stream of tears while she use the rest of her strength to place her left hand in the right hand of her husband Taylor, who in my mind is gone. "Don't...leave me..[cough-cough]...Tay--lor...", Jazmine, stutteringly say as tears continue to stream down her face before the sound of many sirens can be heard outside of the church.

AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-(I may not be good a writing wedding parts in stories but I have to say that this time I managed to make a sudden upgrade if I say so myself because it is one hell of a beginning. I feel like I'm actually there hahahahaha which is why I just love adding myself in stories because it adds that flavor that I desire like many of you prefer icing or frosting on your cakes during many special occassions hahahahaha! Please comment me & don't forget to put a shine on the little star. Even a star needs to have that shine in its life just like we need to be happiness in ours even through the toughest times. Luv you all & expect what happens in the next chapter)-


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