Chapter 3 - Oh No! (✔ edited)

Start from the beginning

“ We’re very, very sorry! We approached the guy who was standing near the driver’s seat. He told us that he owned it so we let him be.” The gasoline boy apologized, his hands were quivering.

“I won’t let this slide. I have a very important business here!” Stephen said in a serious tone before he walked out. He literally walked, apparently. His wallet was also inside the car, he only brought out some cash from his wallet to buy his meal.  He was walking along the road trying to ask the cars who passed by if he could hitch a ride. Unfortunately, there was no car that passed by for the last fifteen long minutes!

Priscilla, on the other hand was on her way home after reporting to her university. She was working for her thesis and has to report to her professor every now and then about the development of her thesis.  While driving her black BMW, her phone rang. Seeing no one was trying to cross the street, she glanced at her phone’s location and reached it.

She quickly answered it when she read Natasha’s name on it . After answering the phone, she then shifted her attention back to the road. There she saw a guy in the middle of the street! His hand was stretched as if signalling for help but he was already in the middle, blocking the high way.

Stepping into the break, she tried her best to stop her car… but it was too late! She hit the man! His body hit the bumper of her car and flew a meter away with his head hitting the pavement.

Priscilla quickly jumped out of her car when it halts to a stop completely forgetting about the person on the other side of her phone. She screamed for help! No one was there. The man was lying in front of her, unconscious and bleeding..

Grabbing her cell phone, she asked Natasha to help her out. She then pulled the unconscious guy and maybe because of adrenaline rush, she was able to drag him to her car. She then locked the door and accelerated her car and had a U-turn. The nearest hospital wasabout five kilometres away.

“Please be alive sir. Please!” she said teary eyed. She was trying to hold her tears back for her to clearly see the road. Being in an accident in one night would be too much, she thought.

Upon reaching the hospital, the nurses helped her in moving him to the emergency room. They helped her took him out of her car and transferred him inside the hospital. While he was being carried, Priscilla took it as a chance to park her car and grab her bag which contains her credit cards and phone.

 “What happened, Ma’am?” One of the doctors approached her. She was trembling. Her lips were quivering. 

She doesn’t know how to answer the question but the only words that came out from her mouth was: “Is he okay? Please tell me he will be!”

“He will be. I assume you are his girlfriend. Don’t worry, he will be fine soon. Luckily, no bones got fractured he only got some scratches and bruises. I guess your boyfriend must be athletic.” The doctor replied to Priscilla to ease her. Priscilla then let out a deep sigh.

“T-thank you, Doc!” She said as she sat down at the chairs outside the room where the guy is. The doctor then left after she was called by her nurse. She ignored the part in which she was being mistaken as the guy’s girlfriend as long as she would know he would be fine. Priscilla then took her phone out of her bag and called Natasha.

“Priscilla! Where are you?! A-are you okay??” her best friend inquired over the phone.

“I’m okay, Tasha.” She took a deep breath. “It’s just that…”

“What?!” Natasha demanded, her voice rose obviously worried.

“I hit a man while driving.”

“Pardon me?”

“You heard me correctly, Tash.”

“I-is he okay? Where are you? I’m coming for you.” Natasha replied as she took her bag and puts his shoes on while Priscilla gave her the address of the hospital.

After a few minutes, Natasha run towards her best friend and hugged her. Priscilla then burst into tears.

“I- I didn’t mean it… r-really…” She murmured.

“Yes, bestie, I know. He’ll be fine soon, okay?” Natasha said as she looked at Priscilla’s face and removed the tears on her best friend’s face using her thumb.

After becoming a little calm, Priscilla was able to relay to her best friend the details of the incident while they decided to eat at the canteen of the hospital.  After filling their stomachs with food, they went back to the room thatPriscilla’s victim had been transferred to.

“E-excuse me doc?” Priscilla said as she passed by the doctor who attended to her victim. The doctor looked at her signalling her to continue what she is trying to say. “How is he?” She continued but her hands were producing cold sweats.

“He is okay, darling. He just needs some rest. “The doctor replied with a smile. “Oh! Before I forgot, you need to fill out a form with the necessary information of the patient.”She reminded them before she left Natasha and Priscilla.

“Wanna go check him out?” Natasha asked her best friend as she held the door knob.


A/N: hi! I hope you've enjoyed my story. It's almost 2 am here and I've just finished typing it. XD 


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