8th of December xEDITx

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wow it's been 2 months since this shit ended. And people still read this .-.

I mean 1.4k views are too much for me sooo thank you so much for that! There are few problems about this book which i'm really sorry about. 1) My English is horrible. I'm trying to edit some chapters but sometimes i can't find my mistakes which sucks. 2) The whole pregnant thing is cliché. If the girl is pregnant it's always twins...A girl and a boy. That's in every wattpad book. I would like to edit that because it's too much and it's making the book too cliché for me but the problem is; It's too late to edit it. People already read it all. 3)  Mangle's personality changed and I HATE IT. She was suppose to be 'badass' but here we are :). I don't know how some of you didn't cringed because I do.4) The last problem is the random chapters. Some of them are  completely random and I can't fix this. I'll try. Plus the ending is so...bleh. Maybe someday i'll remake the whole book. Who knows (if i remake it that DOESN'T mean that i'll delete this one. This book made me ''famous'' xD) ... What is your opinion about this? Also ,sorry for my English AND in here but...meh 


xEdit 2nd of Januaryx

Wow ,im editing the EDIT chapter. Gud Gud.

So i re-read the book and oh god guess im gonna continue with roasting my own book :)

5) I uncluded my country. A country in Europe which most of the people don't care about or don't know about its existence. That right here is the cherry of the cake. WHY?! Why did I do it. Im so embarassed of my self like uhh...I'll remake this horrible parody of a book. I swear. And im not gonna include my country. Haha. Sadly i Won't delete this shi- I mean book because i dont have the heart to do it. Im just gonna put ''Old version'' on the title. Ok ok.

6) I also included the freaking Eurovision. Yes ,I loved it and I still love Eurovision but uncluding it in there is a no no. It doesnt make sense. People from Asia ,America or whatever ,dont know about Eurovision. Why did I do it? Why? Im gonna question myself about this. Great. And im sure people dont care about Eurovision XDD. 

7) Do you know what else i included? A football team from my country which is only known in my country. Why? It doesnt make any sense to me. Since they all live somewhere in America (:D) they cant know about some random football team which is  dot compared to Barcelona or Real Madrid. Heck ,people dont know about the country. I hate this. I really do.

 8) The book's first plot was supposed to be about accepting people the way they are. It turned out to be teen pregnancy. Even the name's book is ''The way you are'' not ''Getting my girlfriend pregnant at the age of 17 because we were drunk''. Now when I think about it. Why they sell alchocol to teens under the age of 18? They were 17. Its illegal. 

9) Like i said ,the  name of the book is ''The way you are'' ,while this doesn't make sense since the final plot is not about accepting people the way they are. It was about...teen's pregnancy :)

10) Like i said the book is total cliché. No ,not because of the twins. THE PARENTS. The parents are either dead/Abuse/non existent (being included only in the first chapter by saying ''Bye sweeetie ,good luck in school). Well ,in Mangle's situation it was the abusive ones. I mean ,when i remake the book her parents are still gona be abuse but i just had to add it >:D. Dont do my mistake. Make your characters parents normal :)

11) But in Foxy's situation it's the dead parent (Foxy's dad)  :) He wasn't playing big role in the book. I don't know why I included it. I feel bad for adding such a sad thing in this book... 

12) Remember those songs above the chapters which no one listened to them. Why the heck- They doesn't fit with the story. I guess i added them because they were underrated band but still i shouldn't add those songs in the first place. And they are in almost every chapter 0.o

13) Let's talk about Foxy's mother ,shouldn't we? Her son was going to different country. In different continent. WHILE HE IS 17. WHY? Doesn't she care about him? What if he crashed with the plane or get lost in the city they were? Ugh...

14) In the book they were in Bulgaria (as much as i dont wanted to unclude the name of the country we were talking about ,i did it) around Christmas ,right? Which means they spend New year in there ,right? Which means Foxy's mother is staying alone in USA since her husband died. Thats so sad..

15) They were in Bulgaria (..) in December. December. Normally ,theres always snow in December . Now i'll quote sentence from one of the chapters ''They were a lot of kids riding bikes ,rollers and skateboards. There was a lot of kids stuffs like Tramples ,catching ducklings ,Riding a Pony? Okay.....We decidet to sit in one bench. We was watching at the little kids playing with a ball. I guess they was playing Football. One of them was wearing Messi's shirt. It was so cute ,I love when little kids are playing Football ,Volleyball ,Basketball or whatever.'' Bitch its December. It's not hot here :). 1-2 chapters RIGHT after that it's cold. Great.

16) Why don't we talk about their relationship ,huh? So before they got pregnant ,they've been dating for like...2 months? 2 months long relationship and baby 0.o. I know ,it was by accident but still.

17) Im gonna include the grammar again. It triggers me when i read ''was'' instead of ''were'' or something like that. Sorry Honey ,that ain't good.

18) 31 chapters ,25 of them being the actual chapters is horrible. So many things happening in such a small and short book triggers me. No.Just..no

19) To much time skips. It even triggers me as writer.

Okay im done. There are still a lot of minuses  about this book but its midnight and im tired. I'm gonna inform you when the new version is out.

(old version) The way you are (Fangle Highschool)Where stories live. Discover now