part 10

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Since nobody answered me i decited to make another chapter! I was in the mood 


M:Can we talk (text not actally talk)

F:Is something wrong?

m:Actally yes there IS something wrong...

F:what is it? You can tell me everything ,you know

m:it's about my parents. They don't love me ,nobody does... I needed to say that to someone ,and because you are my closest friend I wanted to tell you...

F: what did they actally do

m: they are being mean ,i grown up without them ,alone...when I was kid they come home more often but after turning 12 they came once in a month. They even sometimes skip. But that's not the problem. I prefer being alone. The problem is that they act like i am nothing to them. Being mean even tho i didn't do anything...

F:Meet me at our place

m: wha? Ok.


Mangle's POV

I was confused. But still i pull out my phone from the charger and get my earphones. U put 10 dollars in my phone case and quitely went out from my house. I start to walk to our place (a/n if you remember 'our place' is the benches next to the river)

~time skip by Belgium bad staging on the semi-finals~

I was finally at the place. I saw that he was already there so i sit next to him. He was with earphones and when he saw me he finally put them off.

,,Are you ok?,, he asked me. He sounded worried. S-so ,someone actually care for me?

,,Yes I am..,, i answered.

,,Let me see your hand,,

,,W-what .No ,why?,,

,,Just give me your hand,, 

I slowly give my hand to him. Wait...


But it was too late....he already saw them...His face was white.

,,Why,, Is the only thing he saw. I stayed silent and because the emotional fool i am i started to cry. I felt how he hug me so i cryed on his chest.

,,Why does nobody love me....what did I do to deserve this pain...why can't I be happy once in my life...,, I say still crying on his chest

,,There is a person who loves you,, he say

,,*sniff* a-and who it is,, i looked at his eyes. His perfect Hazel eyes.Then i felt something soft on my lips. It was his. He kissed me...My first kiss...did he really love me or he do it only to make me sure he don't love me ,he is just caring and wants me to be happy ,nothing more

I still enjoyed the kiss. After 30 seconds we broke. I was blushing mess I looked down.

After awkward silence i spoke

,,Did you mean it?,, i ask 

,,.....Maybe......yes.....,,he say.

,,So you don't do i-it only t-to make me feel b-better?,,


I hug him. 

I was happy

(521 words) Heyyy. Fangle sailed yayayayayay. This chapter is a BIT shorter but the last one was 1700+ words so... I have plans for other books (Fangle hehe) but maybe later on... Yea bye (finally xD)

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