part 21

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Foxy's POV

I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and then open them. I look around I saw Mangle. She was curled like ball next to me. I noticed she was without her blanked so I put it over her. I slowly get up because I don't want to wake her up. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After that i took a shower. When I was done i came out of the bathroom and saw Mangle playing on her phone.

,,Good morning beautiful,, i said and give her kiss on the cheek.

,,Good morning handsome,, she said without looking away from her phone. She is playing Helix Jump again....Geez when she is playing this game she never het distracted and if someone makes her die in this game ,this someone is dead. I went to my bag to get some clothes then i heard


This was Mangle ,I am sure she lost again. Well ,I won't blame her. Everyone will be mad if they die in the final.

I went to the bathroom and put some clothes on ,then i remembered.

Today is the match! 

I can't wait! I went of the bathroom and jump in my bed. Mangle was still playing. When she died for the last time she went to get bathroom

When she was done she got dressed. She jump in the bed and snuggle into my chest. I start to do circels on her back.

,,I love you..,,she whisper

,,I love you too,, i whisper and kiss her on the forehead

,,I can't wait for tonight,, she siad 

,,Me too. While we are waiting what should we do?,, i ask

,,I don't know...go outside?,, she reply

,,Good idea.,, i said and we both got up from the bed. We put shoes and jackets on and went out from the hotel. We started to walk. Then we saw the same park we was before some days

,,Wanna go here,, i said pointing to the park

,,Yes,, she said and we headed to there. There was a coffee so we go in there. We both got coffee.After we was done we started walking around the park. It was getting really cold ,I don't know how are going to watch the match. 

,,We should get back to the apartament and to start getting ready for the match,, I suggested 

. Mangle nods slowly and we start to walk to our apartament 

(I just realized how random was everything above)

~Time skip~

When we get back home I looked at the clock

,,It's 1pm. There are 5 more hours to the match. What are we gonna do now!,, i ask 

,,I don't know. I will take a nap,, Mangle say and went to the bed.

I really had nothing to do. Maybe i will get a nap too. I mean ,we will stay longer this night because of the match.I wound my alarm clock for 4pm.  I lay next to her and close my eyes

~Guess what time it is. TIME TO SKIP~

I heard the annoying sound of the alarm. I guess it's time to wake up.

,,Uhhh what's that sound....,,, i heard Mangle mutter

,,Time to wake up,, i said as get off the bed

,,Why,, she ask and rubbed her eyes.

,,It's time for the match,, i said

,,Match?....THE MATCH,, she yelled ,not that loud and she start to dress up

(562 words) This Chapter was random ,REALLY random but i promise the next cahpter will be better and longer. Okay now bye

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