part 3

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Mangle's POV

While i was dreaming about school...IN FIRE i hear the alarm sound.WHY DID THIS THING RUINED MY PERFECT DREAM?? Anyways i need to go to school so i woke up ,i wash myself and pick some black clothes. I pack my bag and i went to the school bus. When i log the only free sit was next to one purple haired boy. I sat next to him. He did not say hi and i didn't either. And i dont need to. Heh. Then the bus start to drive .Then i felt someone kicking my seat. I turn around and i saw one red haired girl and then i saw purple haired girl. Jeez the full school have red and purple hair...then I turn to face the front seat again. Then i felt another kick.

,,Listen girls better dont mess with me if you dont want problems so please let me live my life!,, i say. Then i turn again. I was too annoyed to think about those girl. THEN I FELT KICK AGAIN

,,WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?,, i said aaand i think the whole bus  hear me. I dont really care i just want this to stop.

,,I dont have,, she say while the other one was giggling.

,,Stop acting like an idiot and stop kicking my seat,, i say

,,Its not yours,, she say. I was too angry and i turn around because i cant watch her face. Then i felt another kick. I took the pencilcase out of my backpack and pulled it out pergel. I threatened her until I said:

,,Stop or you two will end up with this in your eyes,,

they both looked scared and stop annoying me. When i turn around to my normal pose the purple haired boy say

,,That's Ballora and Baby ,they are always like that so dont be surpised if you see them both giggling while running. They always pranks students and even teachers,,

,,Im not letting anyone to act like that to me so dont worry i know what to do.'' Then the bus stop and i get out of it.I log in the school and this time the words weren't from everybody. Some people act like i wasnt there which is good because im sick of them Then Springtrap say

,,Hey sexy,, he said with smirk. HE WHAT? I kick him in the stomach while everybody was screaming ,,FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT,, . While he was getting up  he try to punch me with his fist. Then somebody stop his fist. It wasnt me. I turn around and i saw red haired guy. Then they both start to fight. I dont know what to do ,i dont wanna mess with Springtrap but i feel like i need to help. Then i screamed ,,GUYS STOP THIS FIGHT MAKE NO SENSE CANT WE JUST GO TO OUR CLASSES AND STOP FIGHTING BECAUSE I DONT WANT PROBLEMS WITH NONE OF YOU AND WITH THE TEACHERS,, They both glare at each other with death look and then they nodded ,,Good,, i say while i pick my bag up and headed to class. Then i saw the red haired guy. I think that it would be good if i say thanks to him. Wow today im too good with people. They need to be thankfull to me . Ahem okay. I went to him and say. ,,Thank you for saving me from Springtrap's fist,,

,,No problem by the way the names Foxy,,

,,Mangle,, i say and go to class.

Foxy's POV

I dont know why this girl dont have friends i mean she seems nice girl. Well i think i can be her first friend. I open my back to see whats my first lesson. NUUU. Its German. I suck at it. When i entered the room i saw Bonnie so I sat next to him.

,,Hi,, i say. He was staring at Chica. Then he turn to me and say

,,Do i have chance with her?,,

,,I dont know but i wish you luck,,


Then the teacher came in the Class start. I saw Mangle in the class. She was sitting in the back seats. Well in every lesson she is sitting in the back seats so.

Hey ! Sorry for my ,activity, but im watching riverdale! And im sad because my ship didnt became canon :( (Betty x Archie ) so sorry for that! Im planning after i post this chapter to watch riverdale :D Okay now bye (754 words)

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