part 25

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The next day

3rd person POV:

Foxy and Mangle arrived their new apartament. It's not really big but it's decorated really good and it's comfortable after all. There are living room ,toilet ,bathroom ,two rooms  and  a kitchen. The room for the kids is gonna be half pink and half blue. During the day erectors are gonna be in the apartament ,painting and decorating the kid's room.


Mangle lay on her new bed and start to rub her stomache. Maybe the pregnancy wasn't mistake.   She tough. She looked at the clock and saw that it's 8pm. She went to the living room and saw Foxy laying on the couch and watching TV.

,,What are you watching?,, Mangle ask and sit next to him.

,,Ehh ,some sports,,Foxy reply and kiss Mangle on the lips ,,How are you and the babies?,,

,,We are good,, she said and and lay her head on his shoulder.

They watched together football and then go to bed and fell alseep (a/n oh god i am back with the shitty chapters ;-;)

(5 months passed) -sorry i just really want to end this book-

Mangle is now 9 months pregnant. She is expecting to give birth every moment. She is scared and happy at the same time. She is now laying in the bed ,reading a book then she felt really hard pain in her stomache

,,Ahhh,, she yelled

,,What is happening?,, Foxy asked worried 

,,I-I think is AHHH time!,, she yelled once again. Foxy panicked. He helped her to stand up from the bed. Then they made their way to Foxy's car (yes ,Foxy has a car now)

~time skip :3~

They were finally there. The doctors saw Mangle and Foxy and helped them.

They place Mangle in the room she's gonna give birth (????)

Foxy wasn't allowed to support Mangle while she's giving the birth of the twins.There were so many things going through his head like How is Mangle right now ,Is she okay and many others

There was no support for Mangle. There was nobody to tell her that everything is okay ,that she can and that she will be okay. She had no hand to squeze when she feel pain BECAUSE the doctors didn't allow Foxy to come.

Foxy waited for hours. The only thing Foxy heared was Mangle's screamed. He felt really bad that she is in that pain but it's for good. 

Minutes later Mangle and Foxy's friends had come. They are all worried and excited for the twins. Foxy was most excited and most worried. After all ,his girlfriend was giving birth of his kids.

4 hours have  passed and still nothing happend. They all fall asleep expect  Foxy. He is still waiting for Mangle. Since his mother was at work she had no chance to come and see the twins.

3 more hours have passed. Foxy was super worried. Then ,he heard crying. Child's crying. One of the twins was born! He was super happy! What about the other?


They were born. They both were born. Foxy has wake up the others. He was waiting for the doctors to call him. He can't wait to see his girlfriend and his babys. Then a doctor came out of the room and ask

,,Who is the father?,,

,,Me,, Foxy said and stand up

,,Congatulations ,you can go and see your girlfriend and your babies,, the doctor said. Foxy walked into the room and saw Mangle holding the babies. He had tears in his eyes because he is a father and being parent is amazing. He goes to Mangle and kissed her

,,They are so-,, Foxy can't say anything. He was too happy.

,,I love them ,I love you!,, he said and hugged her

,,I love you too,, she reply but didn't hug back because she was holding the babies. She gives Foxy one of the babies.He hold it and looked at it. It was so cute.

,,How are we gonna name them?,, He ask 

,,How about....Fangle and Moxy?,, Mangle reply


     5 years passed and everything is perfect in Foxy and Mangle's life. The twins are really good ,happy and amazing kids. During those 5 years ,Foxy and Mangle made another child! Her name is Roxy and she is 3 years old. They all are happy. Yes ,Mangle and Foxy get married and have amazing jobs ,even with the kids.

      The End!

READ THIS!!!!!!!!

No ,Im not making Book 2. I just got little tired of this book because some Chapters are well maded but others are complitely random. I have ideas for other books and they are all Fnaf! Soon i will make Foxy x Mangle mini story (with 4-5 chapters) but idk when. My next book is coming out Tomorrow! No ,It's not Fangle ,just because i ship it (*ahem OTP ahem*) doesn't mean everybook of mine must to be Fangle. But who said there's not gonna be any shipping in there...It's just gonna be less.  Anyways ,thank you for reading this shitty book and BYEEEEE

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