This Cut Runs Deep

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I hated to admit that when we got back to Soojin and Jisoo's house, it was obvious that they were used to being a couple. They clearly had their routines, and they were used to them. They had pet names, they made cute faces, and they had their own intimate language that I couldn't pretend to understand.

But everytime I caught Jisoo sharing a moment with Soojin, she had a strange, guilty look on her face.

Soojin proved to be as obnoxious as ever, only talking about work, and Jisoo must have been used to it because she mostly ignored it. I wonder what made her this way, and then I figured that I had a pretty good idea.

When I found myself standing timidly behind Jisoo and Soojin outside of Mrs. Kim's front steps, I felt myself grateful for a break in the odd company I'd been keeping all day.

Jinwoo answers the door, much to my delight. Before Jisoo could even announce, "Jin, we brought comp - " he barged through them and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"No freaking way!"

I had to laugh at his exuberance, and when he pulled me apart, he had a look of shocked excitement on his face. "Jennie Kim returns!"

"You got a beard!" I squeal, reaching out to pinch his facial hair.

"And you got hotter!" He cries, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder in one swift motion.

"Don't drop her!" I hear Jisoo warn him, but he just carries me triumphantly into the living room, and I'm giggling the whole way, thrashing my legs.

"Mom! Check it out - you're never gonna guess who I Jennie-napped off the front porch!" He calls out into the house, and I hear Mrs. Kim's voice before I see her, because my upper half is still slung over his back.

"Is that who I think it is?"

Jinwoo finally drops me on the ground, and I turn around to greet Mrs. Kim, flicking him on the shoulder. "What, you couldn't tell from the rear end view?" I ask cutely, and she holds her arms out for a hug. I oblige her happily.

"It's good to see you, Jennie." She says warmly, and I release her.

"Jisoo, where'd you find her?" Jinwoo asks, turning to Jisoo and Soojin who are just now entering the house.

"She found us." Jisoo explains. "Showed up on my lawn yesterday."

"Well, we're glad to have you back." Mrs. Kim says, patting me on the cheek.

"You are back, right?" Jinwoo inquires, and I turn around, looking at Jisoo, who has a curious look, as well.

"Um...I don't know yet. But I'm here tonight." I say brightly.

"And I'm making porkchops, so everyone have a seat." Mrs. Kim orders, clapping her hands together and hustling us into the dining room. "Jin, get an extra chair for Jennie and set her a plate."

"No prob, yo."

Jinwoo makes me a seat opposite Jisoo and Soojin, and soon dishes are serves, and glasses are filled, and we're digging in.

"So, Jennie. Tell us what you've been doing with yourself." Mrs. Kim says.

"Not too much, really. Just graduated from SNU, and now I live in Seoul." I waved my fork around. "Traffic's terrible, but it's a nice place. I like it."

"SNU." Mrs. Kim nods her head, eyes flitting to Jisoo. "So that's where you ran off to." She says goodnaturedly.

"SNU?" Jinwoo intones. "Lame. I thought you bought yourself an island or something and paid slaves to wave you with palm fronds."

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