Hanging Out Together

Start from the beginning

"Wanna split it with me?" You asked. "Why? Don't you want it?" He questioned. "Well yeah but, I need to pay my hero back with something." You said said in a playful tone. His face was really red now. "Well..uhhh...sure" he said nervously. "Great! We'll continue the walk  as we  eat!" You said.  "Ok, that sounds wonderful!" Ralsei replied happily. And so you did.


Most of the times you two hung out, it was just hanging out together at the castle. You would mainly hang around the area near his room and Rouxls's shop but, today was going to be different. Lancer had accidentally discovered a new area of the castle nobody hardly ever went to.

The next time you came over to Card Castle he almost begged you to come.


"What even is it?"you asked. "A REALLY COOL ROOM IN THE DUNGEON OR SOMETHING YOU GOTTA COME SEE IT!" he shouted at you. "Fine" you said in monotone. "YIPEEEE!" he said happily. He grabbed your hand and raced to the elevator.

When you got inside the elevator, he pushed a button that you had never really noticed before. It was for a floor you had never knew existed. It looked to be far underneath the castle. This may not be a good idea.

The elevator stopped after about 5 minutes of pure waiting. When it opened, you were met with a very large staircase. "Well, let's go!" Lancer said cheerfully. You hoped he knew what he was doing. You slowly began to walk down the stairs.

After about another 5 minutes, you reached the bottom of the staircase. Lancer was already there and staring into a very dark prison cell. It looked empty. You walked closer to get a better look. You still only saw darkness. You heard something in the back of the cell.

"c H a O s C h A o S"

It didn't sound to pleasant. You looked at Lancer, and he also seemed terrified. You decided to try to act brave. "Hello, who are you?" You questioned weakly. You heard footsteps come closer to the bars. It went quiet.


*insert unholy child screaming*

You were both so scared by the face you saw. You bolted and never went back.


"I DON'T KNOW!!!!"

You both wouldn't let go of the other for the rest of the day. ( You got laughed at by several guards)

|Rouxls Kaard|

It was one of the very few days that you got off of working and you were going to spend it with Rouxls (You had also heard screaming coming from the shop so you should probably go check it out). You came to the beautifully colored store and pushed the door open only to be welcomed with ungodly screaming.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Rouxls immediately screamed at you. He was on the counter with what looked like a broom. He looked like he had been there for a while. "Rouxls what are you doing?" You asked pretty calmly. "Therest is a Rat in thine shopth!" He screamed from across the store.

A rat? How did a rat get in here? And how was Rouxls scared of it? You looked over to the floor to see a small rat, no bigger than a banana. Rouxls started to scream again. This was kind of hilarious.

You weren't really scared of rats or mice (if you are, you just pretend to be brave) so, you were going to help him out. You walked over to the counter and asked Rouxls for the broom. He was holding onto it for dear life but, he gave it to you.

"Pleaseth be careful withe thine broom. Tis is the only one thine owns." Rouxls called to you when you had the broom in hand. You nodded. You walked over to where the small rat was and pushed it towards the door. When you were there, you opened the door and let the small rat outside into the castle.

You calmly closed the door and looked over at Rouxls, who was in shock. "How did thou do thate so easily?" He asked, impressed by your small act of bravery. "I think rats are cute, not scary." You replied. He looked a bit embarrassed. It was adorable.

"So, you wanna hang out or something? I have the day off." You told him. His face lightened up a bit. "Why, of course. Thine woulde loveth to!" He replied. You two spent the rest of the day just talking and hanging around the shop.



This chapter took way longer than it should have, sorry about that


How do you guys think Kris would act? I need ideas

Also the next chapter will be late because I have midterms soon and I will be busy and then traveling

So yah

Send me ideas for chapters plz



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