I push my chair back in and am ready to walk over to the assholes when one of the bitches who has been eyeballing Stacey with so much hate stops in front of me. Who wears a sequined dress to a kid-friendly restaurant? The dress is so short and clingy that a flash of her underwear is sticking out. Her face is heavily caked with makeup that I can't guess an age. The bright purple eyeshadow and crimson lips are distracting. "Uh hi," the bitch croaks sounding like she smokes ten packs of cigarettes a day. "Goodbye," I say with so much venom in my tone hoping it would scare her away. She ignores my tone and giggles. What is she four?" "I was waiting for your sister to leave so I could come over here," says red lips and puts an invisible strand of hair behind her ear. I can not believe the gull of this woman. "You and I both know that she's not my sister," I say and realize she is just as bony as Elle. What is it with women thinking that being thin as a fishbone is sexy? "Oh, " the bitch says acting surprised. "You don't want to spend the rest of your life with her, do you?" She says chuckling and I have no idea what the joke is. "She's hot and all but sometimes you have to spice things up" she kept going when I don't respond. I don't like insulting women but this one has been asking for it especially when she slips a business card in my hand. "Call me when you are done with that, that..." She says referring to Stacey as a thing that can be discarded once I'm done with her. "Yes, you are right..." I say and pause and watch as bony ass's face lights up.  She thinks I have fallen for a pathetic flirting attempt. "My woman is fucken hot and you're not bitch" I sneer and tear the business card up in front of her shocked face. I push past her and she calls me an asshole, jerk face, and loser behind my back. As if I care what she thinks of me.

Stacey Jensen

What was I thinking? I shouldn't have worn this outfit. I was just asking for trouble. It makes me feel sexy and wanted but the women at this restaurant are downright vicious. I went over to the kiddie's corner and a few of them came over under the pretense of checking up on their children. I said hello and smiled and the looks I got in return were harsh and bitter. They were eyeballing me so hard I was surprised my body didn't set aflame. "Skank" a dark head woman with blinding white teeth sneered. The one wearing denim shorts that stood next to dark head biker-looking bitch is wearing short denim shorts and it makes half her ass-cheeks hang out. She called me a slut. She is also wearing a green halter neck top that is tied around her neck and has breasts as large as mine. Only hers are on full display and big chunks of it spill out the sides of her top and are in rhythm with her body movements. It looks tactless and desperate. The cheap red heels don't suit her outfit at all. The biker chick who seems to be in her late twenties or early thirties green halter top looks to be the same age. I mean who dresses in all leather on a hot summer day?

Anyway, the leather chick threatened me. And said that her old man is on his way to fetch her and their son. Whatever the term old man means. She said If her old man is going to flirt with me, which I assume he does a lot. If she had to prewarn me of that fact. Then she is going to beat the shit out of me. Because it's women like me with bodies like mine who drive men away from their families. And we greedy cunts take all the money and their men end up not paying child support. Biker chick's eyes briefly went to Ryan before they return to my face and she had this knowing nasty gleam in her eyes. And I knew she intended to break me. "I can tell that your man is hot even though he is trying hard at hiding his face. I can also assure you that he has sampled a lot of pussies besides yours. Just take a look around and see how women are vying for his attention which he is oblivious to for now. I promise you he won't stick around for long not when there is a lot of fish in the sea. A man like that needs a variety of women and you're one of a kind. Today he is into a fat bitch and tomorrow he might want a skinny laté" she said with a shrug. I had to work hard to keep my tears at bay. This woman has just exposed my worse fear and that is Ryan leaving me for someone better looking. "Oh, you want to cry" the biker bitch mocked me and I just stood there and took it. "I'm sorry that I have hurt your feelings but you needed to know the truth and one last warning make yourself invisible when you hear the rumble of Harley's" she sneered and turned on her biker boot-clad feet and sauntered off like she didn't just eviscerate me.

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