Chapter 10: Vanished

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Nash's POV****

During lunch, my father announced that he hired Lisa.

My heart sank.

I was happy, I guess. Also nervous.

I feared that I came on too strong, and that Lisa's feelings for me vaporized.

She didn't follow me back on any social media.

We've only texted once for 15 minutes and SHE ended the conversation.

When I "coincidentally" bumped into at the mall, she stared at me blankly, then walked away.

I'm usually comfortable around girls. I have millions of fans, but with Lisa... My stomach drops, my head goes down as well as my confidence.

I'm obviously not what she wants.

Now I'll have to work with her? Yay.

"Nash, Nash, Nash", my father chanted as if my name was a song.

"You've been in a completly paralyzed for the last minute or so..." he continued.

I shook my head to wake me up from the "frenzy" I was trapped in.

"Sorry.. I gazed off", I apologized

Hayes' and my father's deathly stares transformed into two obnoxious laughs.

After our lunch was over, the hiding sun came out to play.

I decided to text Lisa.

To Lisa: So you got a job at 26 mgmt? Congrats. I'm happy for you (:

The moment I pressed 'send' I regretted it. She didn't like me. What's the use of this?


Breathe. Breathe.

Within minutes she replied with

Yeah, I guess I'll see you next Wednesday............

Why so many periods? I know she's not interested in me, but its not like I'm repulsive. Sheesh. That hurt.

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