Lisa smiled at the maid and thanked her, before taking tiny nibbles of her meal.

"So Princess Lisa, tell me, how do you like the castle?" the king asked. 

"Oh, it's very beautiful, and all of the staff are just lovely." Lisa replied. 

The king nodded as he took a sip of his tea.
"Now, let's speak about your wedding, I know your mother passed away quite a while ago, but I heard that your father found another woman to-"

"Father, those kinds of questions aren't appropriate at this time, it's frankly rude." Jungkook butt in. 

"Watch your mouth boy, I would like to talk to my future daughter in law."
Jungkook rolled his eyes before going back to his meal.

Lisa shifted in her chair a bit due to discomfort. It was then she realized, there was no queen. 

The king broke her out of her thoughts when he screamed for the maids to bring him more food. 

A tall, beautiful girl emerged from a door, bowing as she brought out a tray of food. She bowed again, then quickly retreated to the kitchen. 

Jungkook finished his meal, and stood up, and walked out of the room. 

Lisa stuffed the last pastries in her mouth, before taking up her, and Jungkook's finished dishes to the door where the maid had ran though. 

"Um excuse me-" 

All the workers froze, and stared at her.

The tall maid from before came up to her and took the dishes out of her hands, 

"Thank you your highness, you may go back to your activities now."

"Oh, but would you like any help?" Lisa asked. 

The maid shook her head, 

"Oh no no, a royal working in the kitchen is improper, here, let me call Chaeyoung to come get you." 

Lisa shook her head,

"No, I'll just see myself out, but call for me if you need any help!" 

Lisa winked before she left the kitchen, leaving the workers stunned. 

Lisa walked out of the dining hall, running into a bored Taehyung. 

"Ah my lady, are you ready to go?" Taehyung asked. 

Lisa tilted her head in confusion, 


"Prince Jungkook's room." Taehyung replied as he held out his arm. 

Lisa took it and the two of them walked to Jungkook's room.

"Prince Jungkook, Princess Lisa is here, may we enter?"

"Come in." a voice replied.

Taehyung opened the door for Lisa, and she went in the room. 

Jungkook's room was beautifully decorated, a crimson color decorating the walls, along with a large bed with a black and red comforter. 

"Hello again Princess." Jungkook spoke as he walked over to her. 

"How are you my darling?" he asked as he kissed her hand. 

"I'm, just fine, yourself?" Lisa replied. 

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