"Come on. It's not so bad. You've learned a lot in the past few days."

I just groaned in reply, while sucking on my water bottle.

"Maybe tomorrow night we could do something else?" Jace asked.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well, why don't we be normal teenagers? We could go out to a club, like normal teenagers who aren't training to defend themselves against people who want to kill them," Jace offered.

I gave him a thoughtful look. Jace scooted over to me, and wrapped an arm around me.

"Ew! You're all sweaty! Get off!" I yelled, while pushing him away.

"Look who's talking," Jace chuckled.

I started laughing, while keeping my arms outstretched to keep him away. He just tried to get closer to me.

"You also smell! You better get off me or else..." But my threat was weak, because I broke off in a fit of laughter.

Jace stopped struggling.

"So what do you say? Normal teenage boyfriend and girlfriend night out?" Jace asked.

"Sure, but as long as we are done for the night."

"Ok then," Jace said. He got up, and helped me up to my feet. My legs were wobbly, but i did my best to hide it. I grabbed my bottle, and we both started the short walk back to the orphanage.

"So what type of club? Is it the type that you see in all the movies?" I asked.

"Yeah. I have one in mind. It's nearby, but we won't have a problem of running into anyone we know."

"So does that mean I have to wear a slutty dress and heels?" I asked.

"Only if you want," Jace answered.

"Well don't expect it. I've already exceeded my limitation of wearing heels for the century at prom. So don't expect too much."

We reached the orphanage. Curfew was later for the older girls, so I didn't have to worry about sneaking in. Most of the girls were already asleep, but I could see the lights on in my room and the middle school girls' room.

"See you tomorrow then," I said.

Jace pulled me in for a quick good-bye kiss, and then I walked out of the forest and into the orphanage. I went upstairs ready to just take a cold shower, and sleep for a week. When I got to our room the shower was in use.

"Seriously?" I asked no one in particular.

"Well, what were you expecting?"

I turned around, and saw Hailey lounging on her bed in pjs. There was nobody else in the room, which was kind of strange.

"What happen to you? Did you run a marathon?" Hailey asked.

"I feel like I did," I muttered. I sat on the edge of my bed, feeling ready to just go to sleep. But I really needed a shower.

"Were you out with Jace?" Hailey asked.

I narrowed my eyes, glancing around the room just to make sure no one heard.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Jenna is in the shower. Abby is babysitting. Chloe and Liz are raiding the kitchen for something to eat."

"That sounds like a great idea! Let's join them."

I jumped off of my bed, but Hailey jumped up to block my path.

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