The Khal's Decision

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It had been 3 days since Khal Drogo had been here - and left immediately after - over those three days I comforted my sister as much as I could, I wasn't really used to being nice to people. Or caring at all to be honest.

I'd been taken away from my family when I was literally just born.

How I hated those horrid childhood memories.


Her hair was white and knotty.
Dirt smothered over her face and small little body.
The palms of her hands were stinging after she clawed multiple times at the mans arm who was dragging her away.

To where, she didn't know.

The man? No idea.

She got thrown into a small cabin, it was just like any other home but just with more... shit everywhere. Well, to the girl it was like any other home she had lived in - correction, thrown in and cleaned.

No one wanted her.
She barely spoke.
Barely ate.
Barely drank.
She knew if she did she'd be punished or thrown out on the streets again.
Every family had kids of their own, leaving the white haired girl to wonder what happened to her parents?
They probably didn't want her.
Or they had other kids.
She didn't know but she did care.
And since she didn't know her own name, people would just call her, girl with silver hair.

This was her life. Scrubbing floors, mopping the floors, wiping down the kitchen and tables, washing dishes, getting wood for the fireplace and if they had smaller children she would bathe them, feed them and everything else.

That was (Y/N)'s life as a child.

Since she felt uncomfortable sleeping on the streets she would sleep in the woods in a tree, that was the one thing that made her feel safe.
She jumped from place to place, town to town. Of course it didn't bother her anymore because she became used to it.

Used to people's disgusting language.
Used to beatings.
Used to the taunting.
Used to this... beautiful lie of a world.

But somehow, (Y/N) had faith. That maybe one day, a miracle would happen?

She didn't steal food or water from people.
She stole books.
To learn how to read and write.
To speak... for once in her life instead of cowering away.
She had learnt high and low Valyrian, the books where so thick, making her arms and wrists bruise for days after.

"M-may I... p-please have a-a piece o-of bread? Please?" The white haired girl would talk softly and quietly - not wanting to upset anyone.
The woman shrugged her off and turned around.
(Y/N) nodded and waddled off to try and ask politely for some food.

She never got anything.

When she was 19, (Y/N) was attacked by a group of men, they knocked her out and took her away.
Those men knew of the letter Viserys had sent out and sought out to find his sister - thinking if she was held hostage they would get a tonne of money, how they were wrong.
She had been cooped up in a small hut for two weeks, no food or water once again.
Sometimes men would stand outside of her hut and whisper amongst themselves...

That's when she learnt her name was (Y/N).
And she was a... Targaryen? What's that?

(Y/N) now had hope. She couldn't stop smiling as she finally, after all these years, knew her name! Her proper name...

She had finally been fed... she finished her meal and sat quietly in the small hut. Ready to dose off...

(Y/N) flinched as agonising screams were heard a few feet away from her tent. Getting up to her feet, she sighed as she looked at the familiar chains around her wrists.
She had tried escaping them many times before, this time would be no different...
If she screamed for help she'd surely get killed, this was it. Today's the day she's going to die...

But... (Y/N) wasn't afraid of death, she had seen cruel executions on the streets, the poor being beat up and/or killed on the streets.

She turned her gaze to the hut entrance and waited, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching.
She braced herself and stood up strong.
The hut door swung open to reveal-


"Sister? Are you alright you've been in a daze for a while now." Daenerys patted my shoulder, "Huh?! Oh sorry... I was just thinking about something." I shook my head and started braiding my hair, I didn't like thinking about my childhood but I've moved on and now I'm safe with my family.

"You can braid your own hair? I struggle to do a simple plat!" I chuckled as Daenerys pouted but smiled at me. "It's quite easy, I'll teach you..." I reached for my brush but Daenerys placed her hand over mine and spoke, "Thank you for helping me through these past couple of days. You've been so... nice, unlike Viserys." She sighed out, "It's really no problem Daenerys. I'm always going to be here for you."

Both my sister and I laughed with each other and talked, Viserys had always been an ass to her, she felt alone in the world but now that she had me she felt a lot safer.
I was hesitant to tell her about my childhood. And she didn't push me, which was... comforting to say the least.
So I told her. Everything.

I felt so bad as she began crying and apologising for things that were no way in hell her fault!

"Daenerys! It isn't you're fault!" I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled, "You've gone through so much yet your so bright. You truly are a goddess!" She held me close to her chest as she sobbed.

"Gods, why are you wailing Daenerys! Is she bothering you (Y/N)?" Viserys leaned on the door frame and groaned in annoyance. "Not at all, brother. Is there an important matter you wanted to discuss?" I stood up while also helping Daenerys to her feet.

Viserys gulped nervously but nodded.

Now what's going on?

"I've been informed that Khal Drogo wants both of you to be his bride."

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