Meeting Khal Drogo

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It was morning, I woke up Daenerys and said that she must be showered and dressed immediately.

We were about to get into the bath when Viserys came through the door and started to undress Daenerys. I was surprised but chose not to say anything...

Viserys eyes flashed over to me as he said "Take off your clothes." I frowned at him and shook my head. "Why should I? Daenerys is the one getting married, there is no need for me to undress myself." I snapped at him.

"What if Drogo decides to choose you instead? Do you want to wake the dragon?" He stepped over to me and grabbed my wrist tightly... I was ashamed but nodded. I took off my gown and looked away.

"Your much better than Daenerys, she slouches to much... but you. You're perfect..." he smirked and gripped my side.
He walked towards the entrance but spoke one last time "When they write the history of my reign, sweet sisters. They will say it began today." And with that he walked out of the room.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" Daenerys spoke softly and I took her hand and led her into the bath.
"My Ladies! That water is very hot!" A servant said from behind both Daenerys and I. Neither Daenerys and I felt like it was molten lava hot.


Daenerys was in a silk, see through gown. Obviously chosen by Viserys...

I just wore a simple white dress.

I just wore a simple white dress

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We waited for this Khal Drogo when he finally arrived on a horse, he had long dark brown hair, blue paint along his broad shoulders and had a somewhat scowl on his face

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We waited for this Khal Drogo when he finally arrived on a horse, he had long dark brown hair, blue paint along his broad shoulders and had a somewhat scowl on his face...
Daenerys stood there, terrified...

"Come, I'll walk you down." I offered my hand to her as she gripped onto it for dear life. Nearing Khal Drogo, Sir Illyrio introduces Daenerys.

He looked at Daenerys and then to me? I looked at him fiercely and raised an eyebrow, only for him to kick his horse and ride off...
Viserys came rushing down and worried if Daenerys was accepted as his bride or not. Sir Illyrio just sighed and said, "Trust me. We'd know."

Daenerys didn't say much for the rest of the evening, I was concerned but she never answered me. Viserys was off somewhere... probably bugging Illyrio.

And here I am now, laying in my chambers... bored out of my brain. I just hope Viserys knows what he's doing... the name Khal Drogo is intimidating itself, it still amazes me how Viserys sold his sister to a savage. Not even getting her approval! What an asshole...

I yawned and stretched my arms out in front of me, but flinched as the door quickly opened and closed. Their stood Daenerys.
She rushed over to my bed and cradled me, afraid I might disappear if she let go. "Sister. I am deeply afraid of what might happen to me, if I go with that savage man I could die! Viserys will take Khal Drogo's men and find a way to Dragonstone. Leaving me here and he'll take you away..." she rambled on and on, her face scrunched up when she mentioned me leaving with Viserys. "Daenerys I will never leave you. As long as I have my arms and legs I will run or crawl back to you. No matter what Viserys says or does I'll stick by you, we women need to stick together not fall apart." I held myself together while Daenerys just had her mouth agape obviously shocked by my sudden strong front. All I did was shrug...

She smiled and nodded, burying her face into my lap... fluttering her eyes closed as I smiled to myself and did the same.

Tomorrow was going to be interesting...

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