Chapter 5: New Cat

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Last night was a night to remember. I can't believe she knows, well it's not hard to tell. Well, look at her, the most beautiful young woman I've ever laid eye's on. She has silky deep brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes, and her face looks like the most beautiful angel that has ever lived, and her voice, is the voice of an angel.

We are now walking down the sidewalk going to the pet store so that way Lisa can get a pet cat. "Lisa, why do you need a cat?" "because I like cats and I want a cat, it has to be a black cat.". As we walk I, not the pet shop Lisa spots the cat she wants "How much for this precious little girl here?". "she needs to find a good home no charge, and looks like you would be the one for the job" said the man.

As we come home Lisa puts the cat down and the cat runs around the house and then goes to the sofa in my spot to go to sleep."I guess I'm sitting in my chair by my self" "No I will sit with you, that's if you want me to" "of course I want you to".

As we sit there talking and laughing all night long while the cat makes herself at home I suddenly have the urge to tickle her. "tickle fight!" then I start to tickle her, it didn't turn out as planned. She turned it around pinned me on the floor and tickled me till I couldn't breath "you win you win!"

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