Chapter 3: New Type Of Friendship

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3 Months Later...

"Hey, Lisa," I said "Yes Tony," Lisa said, "Do you want to go to the movies, maybe tonight?"I said "Yes...yes I would love to go to the movies...only because it's with you," Lisa said.

  It's now 8:30 pm and time for me to go take Lisa to movies. As I pick her up she wearing the most beautiful dress ever. The dress was a beautiful ocean blue dress that sparkled in the light and went with her beautiful bright blue eyes. I jump out of the driver's seat and go to the passenger's side and open the door for her "Why thank you." Lisa said. "It's my job to make you feel happy," I said. As I shut the door of the Lamborghini I go back to the driver's side and sit down and shut the door.

   As we pull up to the movies I got lucky and found a parking spot right up front, so I took it. "Tony I'm getting cold," Lisa said. "Here take my coat." Then I wrapped her up with my coat. We walk up to the tickets booth and I get 2 tickets for I love you is not enough. We walk into the movies and we find our seat.

   It's now in the middle of the movie and it is just a very sad and very emotional movie with how much she loves him even when he goes away and they are forced to live a thousand miles away. I looked over at Lisa and then she looked at me.We sat there like that, for what felt like forever, then all of a sudden we are in the middle of a long slow kiss.

   As we walk out of the movies she looks at me and says I'm sorry about the kiss "Don't was nice and sweet." I said. I looked over at her and she had started blushing.

   I pull the car into the driveway and ask her "Are we going to call it a night or are we going to go hunting for juicy people tonight?" "hmm let's call it a night...I'm really sleepy and would like to go to bed tonight," Lisa said.

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