little bean (stiles+derek)

444 30 2

    It's been a rough few weeks for stiles; he's been nauseous, fatigued, and very, very, moody.

At first he had just brushed it off as the result of coming back home from their vacation; where all he did was eat, sleep, 'party' and repeat.

For the past four years they've been vacationing at the same place, so he knows it only takes about three days for his body to bounce back to its normal routine.

The thought of him possibly being pregnant ran through his mind a week after getting home; but that thought quickly ran back out because he and Derek have always been careful. He was on the pill AND they use protection.

By the third week the symptoms are still very much present. He debates on whether or not he should tell Derek. What if he's not pregnant? He wouldn't want to give his fiancé false hope.

Would he be happy? Are him and Derek even ready for this kind of responsibility?

He decides on not telling Derek until he's taken the three tests he's bought at the cvs up his street. "Man the fuck up Stiles." He whispers to himself as he nervously takes the first stick out.

He's heard peeing in a cup might give a more accurate result.. or was it doing it directly on the stick? He goes for the fist option to make it easier.

He dips the tip of the stick in the cup and then lays it down on the napkin on his counter top.

As he waits those three dreadful minutes; he's so nervous he starts sweating and his right leg starts jittering.

As soon as he's sure it's been three minutes and thirty seconds to be safe, he stands up from the edge of his tub and picks up the test.

His eyes grow wide as he sharply inhales..

"Oh fuck."

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