I'm Gonna Need You To Keep Time

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Ryan was lying on cement floor of Spencer's garage Thursday evening. The first week of school had gone by rather quickly. The homework had finally started coming in and gossip began to flow. The main subject of conversation with his classmates was Fall Out Boy. Apparently they were going to be playing at the local coffee house next Friday night. Ryan had tried talking to Trick, but he'd been distant, like he always was now.

Spencer was pacing around the room. They both were waiting for Brent to show up. He was fifteen minutes late. Ryan wasn't too impressed so far, but they needed a bassist. Their band was just two idiots in a garage covering Blink-182 songs. Ryan was too embarassed to tell anyone about it now, since Fall Out Boy were already fully formed and writing their own music.

Other than the band craze, school had been uneventful. Ryan had finally gotten used to the high school. He'd eaten lunch on the bleachers with his friend everyday and actually done his homework. As for the great lab partner debacle, Brendon hadn't been incredibly teribble so far. They'd done one lab where they basically boiled water. Brendon didn't break any beakers, but he'd talked the entire time. He went on about how he was going to audition for the musical in October, and how he was glad to be back in school, and how Ryan should audition for the musical too.

"I don't sing," Ryan had told him, placing the beaker of salt water onto a hot plate. He pushed his fringe of his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Sure you do, Gee told me that you and Spencer play music together."

Ryan's eyes widened. He knew he shouldn't have told Gerard about the band. Gerard was a harmless soul, but sometimes didn't seem to understand when someone wanted to keep something secret. It was like that time he'd retold Patrick's story of the time he had had a wet dream. But not as bad.

"Well, I don't do musicals."

"Why not? They're fun!" Brendon tried smiling at him, but Ryan just looked at the clock, trying to ignore him.

"They're gay, Urie. That's why," Mikey Way, Gerard's brother laughed. Brendon had almost looked offended.

"Whatever," he muttered.

Ryan sat up as a dark figure approached the garage.

"Wilson!" Spencer stopped mid pace and smiled.

"Hey Smith, Ross."

Brent had stepped into the garage. A guitar case was strapped across his back. He wore baggy and faded jeans and a bright blue sweat shirt. His hair was about down to his shoulders, a style that did not flatter his pudgy face. Ryan thought about the conversation his friends and him had had a few days ago. Puberty certainly hadn't approached Brent yet.

Ryan stood up and walked over his guitar. It sat on the marroon coloured couch that stood in the left hand corner of the near-empty garage. It wasn't a bad practice space, but Ryan hand always hoped for something more. He and Spencer didn't have the money to afford a real studio. It was always irritating, but he just shook it off.

The practice went well. Brent wasn't the best on bass, but the songs sounded great with the added instrument. As they put away the equipment, Brent began to talk about the music.

"It's great, but we could use another guitar, right?"

Ryan shrugged. The idea had occured to him and Spencer before, they didn't see much of a point in it. Besides, Ryan had run out of people who were musically talented. He could always ask Gerard or Ray, but it just felt uncomfortable. No one knew that this band had been going on for three years. If Ryan started bringing it up more, they'd probably just seem like they were copying Pete.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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