Chapter 5 cont....

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I stay in the same position on the floor. Maybe, if I just sit here long enough, everything will go back to normal. I will wake up any second now. As the time passes, I finally realize I'm not going to wake up. I snap out of it.

HOLY HELL!! I have been lied to this entire time? I am not Lilith Wellward. I am Lilith Wardwell and I am a witch. OH Lydia, you and your stupid bully gang was right.

Why would my Uncle hide this from me? You know what? Screw him. Everything he has done has always been in his self-interest.

I can ask Fiona.

I push up from the floor. Brush my hair, knocking the twigs and leaves out, splash water on my face, slide on my jeans and my suicide squad sweatshirt. Then hastily make my way to her front door and knock, no answer. I look in the windows. The place is empty with no sign of life. As a matter of fact, no evidence of anyone residing there. Discouraged, I start to head home and notice that the rent sign is still firmly in place.

I go back into my home unsure what to do next. So, I throw myself into some much needed stress cleaning.

By 2:00a.m, I had not only cleaned my home spotless, I had now nearly completely antiqued my bedroom suit. The only thing I had not done was deciding whether I was going or not. I mean this could all be some elaborate prank, or maybe, I really was a Wardwell witch.

I realize the only way to find out is to return to Cypress cove, but what about the guy who had warned me not to come back. "Run before I decide to keep you." He had said. Chills run down my spine just thinking about it. At 2:30a.m., I put on my black boots, a scarf, and a toboggan. I lay my phone, my wallet, and my house key on the table. I take one long look around at what would soon be a memory of an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. I sigh, then shut the door firmly behind me.

On the drive over, I start to wonder if I am making a big mistake. This could be one of the most reckless things I have ever done. It's not like I have anything left to live for here, only more lies and unanswered questions from my uncle and more resentment from the people here in the small, but rich town. Maybe the cove will be a chance for a new me and a new life. A place where I will be accepted. I decide in that moment I will be a braver me, no more being a push over. I will enter the cove changed. After all, I am no longer Lilith Wellward. I am Lilith Wardwell and have a blood right to be a witch.


>>>>>Look for chapter 6 on Saturday March 30th. <<<<<<<<<<<<<

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