Chapter three

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As I'm walking the trail by the lake I start to think about my best friend, Ryan. He was only 22. Why did he have to die? He always seemed so happy and uplifting. We told each other everything. He never once mentioned anything going on in his life that would make him commit suicide. Did I miss something?

Why Ryan? Why? I needed you!

I thought having him in my life I wouldn't have to be alone anymore. I didn't realize how much pain I was in. I have learned how to block out so much, because I had to. Since birth I have been exposed to tragedy and death. First, my mother died during childbirth with my twin brother and I. Then, my brother disappeared at age 3, never to be seen again. It took a toll on my stepfather, John, who then left me to be raised by my Aunt and Uncle Black at age 5. Aunt Ethel Black died shortly after in a car accident, leaving me with Uncle Black. Aunt Crystal was the closest thing I had to a mother figure. She was only 6 years older than I. She died in a boating accident 11 years later at age 22.

Now, Ryan, but I can't just block him out. We had been close friends ever since my dad left me in this town. I have tried to block it out by throwing myself into work, a book, or even drinking bottle after bottle of Roscato, trying to numb the pain, but I just can't anymore. It's too much. I feel so alone in this god forsaken town. I am an outcast here. My family is an outcast here. Most people in this town blame my family for the fire that nearly brought the entire town up in flames. I wasn't even born yet.

When I finally break free of my thoughts, I find myself under the very tree Ryan had hung himself, The Rowan Tree. We had visited here many times taking the berries, leaves, and twigs from the tree for his grandmother, Helena, who would make us protective charms and elixirs. She also annotated my mother's necklace for me every week. Once, she told me she had done the same for my mother when she was my age. The same necklace that now lies in the center of my chest, right under the hollow of my neck.

It was dark now, only the moonlight illuminating the way. I never meant to go this far this late in the evening. I must be a good two or three miles from my car.

I hear a crack. I suck in a deep breath and turn my head to where the sound originated. For an instant, I think I see something. A man with fiery eyes just behind the tree over by the lake.

I reach for my phone to turn the flashlight on and at that very moment I am hurled back into the tree, so forcefully it knocks the breath out of me My body crumples to the ground. I attempt to get to my feet, but before I can, I am hauled up by my shoulders, by a man with eyes that look like hell's flames seeping from them. He stands in front of me, pinning me against the tree with his much larger figure. It is hard to breathe. 

He looks at me for an eternity before he leans in slowly and whispers in my ear, "You shouldn't have come here, stupid girl, are you really so naive or did your uncle not tell you?"

"Tell me what? I question.

He leans back just enough for me to see those fiery eyes. I can barely make out anything, but something about him is familiar.

He leans in even closer, pressing his cheek against mine and says as he runs his fingers through my hair, inhaling its scent, "Your true nature of course. You are a Wardwell witch."

He then proceeds to get even closer. I can feel every rigid muscle of his abdomen against my upper torso. I know I should be terrified but I'm not. Instead, I feel empowered by his touch, intoxicated even.

"You are going to be my demise. Run now before I decide to keep you," he sneers. And with that he is gone.

The cove has come alive around me. The trees begin moving furiously and roots start rising from the ground. It is the stuff of nightmares. My body reacts before my mind and I run. My hair is getting caught amongst the branches. Every step I take is a fight, the branches and roots digging into my skin holding me back. Then, a limb falls right in my path. I jump back and trip, falling to the cold hard ground. I feel something wrapping itself around my wrist. Instinctively, I try to pull away, but I can't. I look and a root has clawed its way free from the earth and up my arm. More roots erupt from the ground, imprisoning most of my body. They begin to tighten to the point I can't inhale. I begin seeing stars. It is agonizing. Finally, I fade into the darkness, my body's last attempt of fighting  pain.

I awake on the ground, freed from the roots, no evidence it has ever happened. The cove is quite now. I slowly get up, feeling a bit unsteady. I can just make out my car in the distance. I run for it, not wanting to be in the cove any longer.

When I reach my car, I struggle with the door handle until my door swings open and I climb into the safety of my car. Tears begin to dry on my cheek. My hands fumble around for my keys before they land on the familiar crystal heart key chain. I am on my way in a matter of seconds.

I reach for my chest to hold the only thing that gives me any comfort, my mother's necklace, but it is gone.


Hey Guys! What do you think about the guy with fiery eyes? Or the fact that Lilith has just been informed she is a Wardwell witch?

If you have any ideas or things you would like to see in the chapters to come please let me know?

****Chapter 4 will be posted Sunday, December 2nd!!*****

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