Phase 13, part 3

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I know I should probably celebrate Zoya's victory which had to be exhausting both physically and emotionally

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I know I should probably celebrate Zoya's victory which had to be exhausting both physically and emotionally. I'd love to know what happened between them when the cameras lost contact with them. But I don't pry since it's a personal thing between Zoya and her old ally.

I spend most of the time browsing on my pentop where I make final tweaks to my research. I can't believe the solution to the biggest problem in the Castaway world is so simple. That's probably because all the researchers who tried it before me didn't have the courage to assume it's that easy.

I pointed out some interesting clues and tried to think outside the box. And I succeeded.

The complete RNA analysis of a flu virus appears on the screen. To make things more arranged, I lay the pentop on the table and enable holographic screen projection. The file appears in front of me as a hologram. This way, I can open more files at once, this time the notes from my research, and compare them to the genome.

And finally, there's a file called Final_product. This is the Holy Grail that will make me famous. And also save countless lives and stuff, but it will make me famous. Zoya is already a celebrity - Tempest is already among the most searched terms on Google. But I think I also deserve my share.

However, it's not only about money, fame and yeah, saving lives. Once I reveal my discovery to the public, I'll have a target drawn on my back. There are many people and companies who would like to use the discovery for their own profit. And I can't let that happen. They will most probably try to kill me and steal the data. But I am ready for it. Besides, I have Zoya who will protect me. At least I believe so.

I'm sure it's gonna work. I've run countless simulations on my computer at home and my invention was successful in 96,38%, which is a really good result. Now, I only have to synthesize the first prototype and find someone to test it on.

"Working again?" Zoya laughs as she steps into the room. With unkempt hair, black tank top and white cotton shorts, she looks much younger than she actually is. It's hard to believe this little girl will be fighting for the title of the most powerful fighter of Europe. Only her bright eyes give away her powerful spirit.

"After the Showdown, I'm finally going to finish it," I say. "This time for good. I only need some more time and an opportunity to work without interruption."

"You still don't want to tell me what it is?"

"Definitely not here. You know... someone may be listening." Like that orange-haired bitch who caused us so much trouble in Bifröst. "But I promise that once I'll have the first sample, you will be the first one who will know what it does. You should now focus on tomorrow."

"I know," Zoya's mood rapidly drops. "I'm... afraid. That I will fail. We can't let Nightingale have what she wants! And now, preventing it is only up to me!"

I sigh. "Right now, I should start a speech like it's not the end of the world if you fail, don't be so harsh on yourself and so on. But you know, I'm not good at these things. So I'll say one thing: just do your best. Fight her so you wouldn't be able to point out anything you should've done better. Of course, I'll be able to point out a hundred of such things, but it's important what you think."

Tempest: The ChampionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora