"Who do you mean? I don't think Nightingale has someone who's really close to her."

"What about her?" Ryan shows me his tablet computer with a photo of a plain-looking woman with dull, brown hair and eyeglasses. "Célia Thibault, Nightingale's partner," he says. "It's possible she works with her Champion and knows what's going on, but it's more possible that she suspects nothing. In that case, we'll be able to ask her if Valentina isn't doing something suspicious."

"And what if they're cooperating?" I object.

Ryan shrugs. "Nightingale knows we're after her anyway. Even if Célia told her the whole talk we'll have, she wouldn't find out anything new."

"I presume it's worth a try," I say. "We have to move forward with our plan anyway and talking to Célia can bring some useful information. I suggest to do it tomorrow, before the second day starts. Then, the final rounds will follow and Nightingale will start injecting braker into her victims."

To make our plan work, we have to find out who is responsible for the matchmaking - that person is probably telling Nightingale who'll be her next opponent. If we knew it too, it would make things much easier. Otherwise, we'd have to stalk Nightingale everywhere she goes and such approach has million opportunities to backfire. We all agree the more sophisticated, yet equally dangerous way would be much better.


Célia looks genuinely surprised when she sees the four-member delegation - Ryan, me, Sotiris and Svetlana - after she opens the door. Unlike her Champion, she's a quiet, timid person. I doubt she's involved in Nightingale's fraud. She's wearing a simple, long-sleeved blue dress and a ponytail.

"Oh... greetings," she says with noticeable French accent. "What brings you here?"

"Can we come in?" Ryan asks. "We have a serious matter to discuss."

"Of course," the woman in her early forties invites us. She looks worried - maybe we should leave the talking to me or Svetlana. Ryan's dead serious expression startled her.

The one-person house is much smaller than the one Ryan and I live in. But it seems it's enough for the woman, maybe even too much. She seems to be more conservative, overwhelmed by the amount of miraculous technologies found in DIANA.

She seats us on the coach in the main room. Then she sits across from us and orders AVIA to make her a coffee with a shy voice. The coffee machine in the room starts to do its job. "So... what's the matter?" she asks.

I talk before Ryan can make her insecure even more. "It's about your Champion."

"Oh, about Valentina..." she says. "Are you her fans? She told me I have to send all the annoying fans away. I'm sorry, but she's just like that."

"No, that's not it," Sotiris speaks. "Can we count on you that this conversation will remain private? It would be the best if Nightingale never knew we were here."

"I think it's possible."

"We have proofs that Nightingale achieves her victories in an illegal way," I say, watching the woman's eyes widen in genuine surprise. Then we tell her about her affair with Svetlana. The girl lowers her head, facing her shame again. We include all details to make the story believable.

"Oh God," Célia whispers. "So you're saying that Valentina seduces her opponents just so she can poison them... it does make sense. I've always thought Valentina only has uncontrollable sexual appetite, that she's a... nymphomaniac. This gives it a whole new perspective."

"Can you tell us anything more about it?"

Célia shakes her head. "My relationship with Valentina isn't ideal. We're basically only together because she needs a partner and I need the money she makes. Those rumors that we're lovers... nonsense. I'm a widow and I don't feel like finding another man. We rarely talk to each other, actually we just kind of tolerate each other. Valentina has her room and she spends most of her free time there. And to be honest... I'm not complaining. Her arrogance and blatant sexuality make me feel uncomfortable. She's one big mystery for me."

Tempest: The ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now