After walking through the door, I finally see the Second-league arena for the first time.

There are thousands of cheering viewers. Unbelievably giant jumbotrons show ads while equally big speakers blast powerful, energic music. Drones are flying everywhere, both to record the event and serve the viewers. The atmosphere is unbelievable. The energy of the whole place races through my spine, hyping me up even further. I can't wait for the world to see me.

In the terraces, I find Ryan and sit next to him. He examines my new look. "You look hot," he states. "I hope it's not... too revealing or something. It's all for the sake of function and I can change it if you wish."

"No, it's great," I reply. Basically, nothing but my upper thighs and shoulders is visible. "I feel much more flexible. I've never realized how restraining pants are," I smirk.

"And what about that hairclip?" Ryan asks. "You didn't like it? I thought it looks cool."

I try to look surprised. "There was a hairclip? I had to overlook it."

Ryan nods and doesn't question it any further. However, I'll have to find excuses so I won't have to wear it in the future. Maybe I can finally tell him the truth. Or maybe not. He would consider me crazy.


The opening of the championship is more ceremonial than in the lower-grade tournamments. First, there is a singer who sings the national anthem of Great Britain while a giant, holographic British flag hovers above her head. Most of the Healthy visitors stand up, Ryan remains seated. I guess his patriotism isn't as strong.

The singer bows to the audience and a local rock band takes her place, playing three songs. This fits my taste way more. I can't help but stand up and pump my fist up and down to the beat. I memorize their name, determined to download their songs into my pentop.

After that, the preliminary matches finally start.

Since there are many contestants, many matches have to be fought. That's why the first day of the tournamment ends in the early evening. I fight five matches during the first day. I win three and lose two, saving the energy and trying to not exhaust myself too much. The costume really increased my agility, or at least I think it did. And also the forearm guards are doing their job rather well.

Even though I lose, I manage to keep my score high since my speed allows me to score Clash points easily. In the preliminary matches, we, the fast ones, have an advantage over the strong ones. If we lose, we usually manage to score more points before it happens.

At the end of the first day, I have 43 points out of 50 which is enough for the upper half of the scoreboard. However, it was earned. I'm now among the best of the best and they don't go down easily. On the other hand, I'm surprised I can face them as equal. Secretly, I thought I will be eliminated right after the first day because I wouldn't be able to score even ten points.

When the commentator formally ends the first day, I change into my normal clothes, have a long shower, eat a large dinner (I deserved it) and go to sleep early to recharge my energy. The second part starts at noon. Another five battles await me. This time, I manage to win only two of them - putting one of the finalists of last year's European Showdown wasn't a nice move. That's why I score only 31 points throughout the fights. That means my total is 72 out of 100 which is somewhere around average.

At the end of the day, the list of qualifiers is announced.

"Don't be sad if you won't be here, okay?" Ryan tells me. "You fought really well... for a first-timer."

Well, Ryan's sweet nature never lasts for too long. "Thanks," I sneer.

However, he grabs my hand before the results appear on the jumbotron. There's nothing romantic in it, it's like he was consoling a younger sister. Yes, Ryan is mostly an asshole. But I'm the only one who can reveal his nicer side, or at least the only person I know.

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