Kol Mikaelson - "Prelude to Disaster"

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*Requested* Imagine dating Kol despite you and Klaus both hating each other. The reader thinks that Klaus is just an egotistical hybrid with anger issues (I promise you, I do love Klaus) and maybe Klaus wants to just rip her head off because of that? 

A/N: If you enjoy Kol x Reader and bickering with Klaus, I suggest you give my series "Open Coffin" a go. There's a lot of it there ;)

The house his utterly silent this late in the morning, just the passing cars outside fill the soundless space.

You sneak out of Kol's room, who is still sound asleep, barely covered by the sheets. It's safe to say that you had a good time last night. A very VERY good time.

You silently make your way through the house, carefully skipping the first step because it tends to crack awfully loud.

You hop down the last pair of stairs, delighting in the fact that you will have the kitchen for yourself this morning.

Or so you thought.


When you enter the kitchen, however, Klaus is already awake a cup with freshly-filled blood on the table.

"Don't mind me..." Klaus says and rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed by your presence before fixating on the newspaper in front of him.

Weird. You never consider him to be an avid news reader.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be, I don't know, to steal a few lollipops from the poor little kids out there?"

"This is my house, Y/N. You don't have to be here." He sighs, flipping the newspaper over "More so, you are encouraged to leave."

You and Klaus never seem to get along, today, however, he seems particularly annoyed.

"Oh, forgive my intrusion, your majesty."You say and bow down in an exaggerated manner "Please. As if you are entitled to command me around." You roll your eyes, opening the fridge.

"I am not only entitled to do that, love, I am also entitled to rip your head off and use it as a footstool," Klaus smirks and closes the newspaper in an unnecessary loud manner, the paper crinkling as he folds it.

You are positive that he's trying his best to get you out of his kitchen. Asshole.

"And face Kols wrath? I don't think so." You shake your head, grabbing the milk out of the fridge.

No morning is complete with a cup of coffee- or anything with caffeine. And as it turns out, threats are also on today's menu

"You might be involved with my brother," Klaus begins while he reduces the space between you with a few steps "but do remember under which roof you sleep at night. We wouldn't want something to happen to you, now would we?"

You loudly chuckle at his words as the delicious black liquid fills the cup. "Is that supposed to scare me? I'm not afraid of you."

Klaus clenches his jaw at your chipper reply. He dislikes how, in his eyes, you disrespect his authority. His threats tend to make others shiver. But not you. And he hates that.

"You should be." Klaus whispers in your ear, a tactic that should finally frighten you "Nobody has dared to talk to me like this. Nobody left alive that is."

"So is that what you're going to do? Kill me because I don't inflate your ego?" You say facing him. He seems genuinely surprised by your confidence. Others seem would be running already. "Why don't you go right ahead then? Go on, prove your point."

"Niklaus." Elijah says appearing in the doorframe.""Don't you have more pressing matter to attend than spoil Y/N's morning?"

"Elijah! Good to see you. Klaus here seems like he is in an especially murderous mood today." You roll your eyes, grabbing the steaming hot coffee.

"When is he not?" Kol says as he walks in, and smiles at Klaus. Perhaps the word smile is not right in that context. There was a faint curve to the lip, but there was no crease below the eyes, no movement of the cheeks.

"Good Morning, darling." He gives you a gentle kiss once he reaches you, careful not to spill the coffee. He knows how much you adore it. Sometimes maybe, just maybe even more than you adore him.

"Morning, sleepyhead." You ruffle through his tousled bed hair with your hand, before leaning in for another kiss.

Klaus rolls his eyes and sighs heavily, clearly annoyed by this public affection. He really did get up with the wrong foot this morning.

"Y/N, what do you say to a stroll through New Orleans? Just you and me?"He asks. He must feel the tensing that still radiates between you and Klaus. A stroll outside certainly sounds like a needed getaway.

"That is an excellent idea. There's not enough space in here with him and his ego anyway." You cock your head towards Klaus before making your way out of the door.

Kol laughs out loud at his brother's baffled face and follows you, hoping that getting some distance between you and his brother might calm things down. He loves how brave you are to stand up to Klaus but knowing his brother, he is worried you might tip him off the edge. Once that happens not even Kol himself could help prevent this.

Klaus follows not soon after, ready to bring his foul mood onto a canvas. However, Elijah holds him back by standing in his path, his hand firmly on his shoulder.

"Brother, you will stay your hand." Elijah tells him, shaking his head "I will not let you be the cause of our brother unhappiness. Not again."

He shakes his brother hand off his shoulder with one single motion and leaves the room.

Klaus is not known for following any orders but his own. Will he stay his hand like his older brother demanded?

Or will he execute his own plan?

Well, only time will tell....for the moment, however,  it doesn't look too promising for you....

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