Elijah Mikaelson "Bowling; All the cool kids are doing it."

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*Requested* I really liked your imagines where the Mikaelsons watch teen wolf, true blood etc, and maybe you can do one where the Mikaelsons and the reader go bowling and Elijah wears the sneakers with his suit 😂😂 thanks  

Elijah Mikaelson is known for many things, his devotion to his family, wise words in any given situation, but for those who do not know him personally, his uncanny suit and tie look is much more striking. Be it a facade to hide his treacherous deeds or an armour he puts on to deal with whatever's coming his way.

One thing is without question: Bowling gear isn't something he would usually go for. So he didn't think about what would await him when he agreed to accompany you, alongside Klaus, Kol and Rebekah to a night of bowling.

The neon lights burned bright in the pitch-black night as you arrived at the Bowling alley. The parking lot was deserted, with only a few

"I can't believe you've never been bowling before." You shake your head in disbelief

"I spend decades lying daggered in a box." Kol shrugs.

"Same." Rebekah seconds "What's your excuse?" She says and turns to Klaus next to her.

" I was preoccupied keeping our family alive. Not that my efforts were ever acknowledged by the lot of you." Klaus grumbles, while Kol and Rebekah collectively roll their eyes at his response.

"Actually bowling was invented back in Ancient Egypt times, so that's no excuse. Y'all had plenty of time." You say, before grabbing the door holding it open for everyone to enter "Anyway, let's get this ball rolling, shall we?"

You all went to get your bowling shoes while Elijah got momentarily distracted by an urgent phone call, so he was last in line. The lady issuing out bowling shoes, stopped him as he walked past her and slapped a pair of white shoes on the counter, demanding him to wear them like everyone else.

And with horror Elijah looked at the shoes displayed before him, the smell of sweaty feet covered up with a cheap air-freshener almost too vial to endure.

"Call us butter cause we on a roll!" Your hand collides with Rebekah's, high fiving after yet another successful strike against Kol and Klaus.

"Why did we agree to this again?" Kol sighs, leaning over to Klaus who shrugs, clueless himself how you managed to convince them bowling was a good idea.

You glance over to Elijah, leant back against the curved seat, observing the other teams playing. Among the casual bowling shirt wearing people, Elijah sticks out like a sore thumb.

"Elijah," You ask him, eyes crossing as you sit down next to him "Are you sure you don't play?"

"Quite sure." He nods "I refuse to wear these poor excuses for footwear. I don't understand why a changing one's shoes should improve one's performance."

"It's not about the performance it's just so you don't track dirt on the lanes." Elijah glances at his perfectly upkept and clean shoes, then back to you "Right...Just- your brothers need help winning against Rebekah and I. You don't want to leave them hanging, do you?"

Elijah smiles at your poor attempt to persuade him.

"Go on, brother," Klaus encourages him "Why don't you play for me instead?"

"Your ego can't handle a single defeat, can it, Nik?" Kol taunts near the bowling lane "Not that I'm surprised."

Elijah smiles, enjoying the brotherly, and non-violent banter for a change.

"Come on, just try it." You ask him again "I don't want you to just sit there all by yourself."

"As you wish." He agrees and reluctantly reaches for the bowling shoes next to him. You let out a squeal of joy, rejoining the others while Elijah changes into shoes less than half the price of his current ones.

Soon, the rubber sole squeaking on the floor reveals his approach. If not that, the loud sigh falling from his lips would'be revealed his position either way.

"Okay if this isn't the weirdest combo, I don't know what is." You glance over the white sneakers paired with Elijah's dark suit, smiling at how ridiculous it looks.

"If you wish to waste time judging my fashion, so be it." He says, and walks past, reaching for a bowling bowl on the tray "Kol and I, on the other hand, have a game to win."

"That we do." Kol seconds.

"Win, huh?" You share a knowing look with Rebekah "Oh, it's so on."

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