Chapter 1 New Member

Start from the beginning

She was too pretty, just like the fairies. Her eyes were in beautiful green shade, a shade that Ansh would love to declare as his favorite color. She was looking at her innocently and he was thinking whe she wasn't started to cry.

She didn't cry but she was moving her hands up.. So I gave her my pinky finger and she grabbed it.

"What kind of a baby are u? Why u are not crying? But it's good u are not crying.. Or else mom will scold me and Aayna will have an opportunity to laugh at me." I mumbled and she smiled.. Oh she looked like toothless from how to train ur dragon.

Suddenly I heard loud voices from outside. As if they were fighting about something.

" Ansh was out there playing. How can he just vanish? He has to be somewhere here."

"We should search for him first."



"Oh no! If they caught me with the baby then... No no let's just stay here without any sound."

But the baby had another plan she left his finger and grabbed his hair instead.

"Ow... Ow ow ow... Baby u are good ow! girl please leave it.." he made puppy face and the baby laughed a little.

Ansh understood what to do. So that's why he started to make funny faces and the baby laughed more. At a time the grip she had became weak.

" Aww see how cute they both are! " Aliya shouted and Ansh realized that he was not alone. Almost every one showed up.

"Ansh u could have said that u are here. Do u know how much we were worried about you?" Manik said and he looked at him innocently.

"I was playing with her so I don't know." He shrugged.

"Btw Ansh, what are u doing near the baby?" Aayna smirked.

"Giving her some company bcz all of u got busy leaving her here."

"Alright.. Now the baby is up let's go to the living room. Ansh, Aayna let's go." Nandini said.

Ansh and Aayna step out of the room first then Manik and Nandini.

"Told u he will be somewhere near." Manik said keeping his hand around her shoulder.

"I am always tensed about him, Manik. He is too naughty and childish. He must got ur DNA bcz u were like him."

"Who told u that?"

"Your mom!"


Everyone settled in the living room. They were sitting in a circle. All were looking expectantly towards Aryaman and Shina.

"Ok so the baby is 7month old. Her parents died in a car accident and she was in a daycare that time. No relative found bcz her parents ran away from their family. So she was given to the orphanage." Aryaman said and Shina was caressing the baby.

"Her name is Naumi. We intend to keep it but we will add the name we will give her so that she doesn't feel left out in our community." Shina said.

"Do u have the name?" Abhi asked.

"Yes, Inaaya. It was Shina's elder sister's name who died bcz of cancer." Aryaman replied.

"So, from now on she will be known as Inaaya Naumi Khurana." Shina announced.

"I like the name Naumi.. I will call her that only." Aliya said and everyone agreed with her.

"But shina, u wanted a boy as u said before. Why u changed ur decision?" Mukti asked.

"Her eyes.. They are too beautiful and pulled me like a magnet. There was no way I would not choose her."

Aww Naumi, u are so cute, beautiful etc.... was told by the others as they started gushing over her cuteness. But Ansh was sitting in his place looking intently towards her. He was observing her expressions.

" She is going to cry." Ansh said and everyone looked at him. As if trying to prove him right, she started crying very loudly.. Everyone panicked and tried to stop her crying. But to their dismay she increased her crying..

"U all are scaring her.. Back off everyone." Ansh shouted. Everyone sat on their places and Hearing Ansh's voice she slowed her crying.

"Before we had a drama king now we have drama queen." Ranbir said only to be smacked on the back by Cabir.

"U are wrong. We already have the biggest drama queen." Ansh said pointing towards his sister.

"Ansh Malhotra.. How dare u call me drama queen! Mom! Dad!" Aayna shouted.

"Aayna, Naumi will start crying again don't shout. And Ansh, u don't talk about sister like that Understand." Nandini said and he shrugged.

"It's already afternoon. Let's have our lunch." Navya said.

They put the baby in her crib after she calmed down. All were having their lunch but Ansh stayed with her.

"Ansh..." Nandini called him as she entered the room with his lunch.. She sat down in a chair and saw The awake baby looking at her. She smiled and looked at her son.

"U like her, Ansh?"

"Yes mommy, she is so cute. Isn't Inaaya has the prettiest eyes?"

"U want to call her Inaaya not Naumi?" She was surprised.

"Inaaya suits her more mommy and I like that name. Right Inaaya?" he said and the baby laughed. Nandini didn't think much. She just smiled looking at their cute antics and fed Ansh his lunch.

Manik was looking at the scene from the door where Cabir joined him.

" Your son seems to be smitten by the baby girl, Manik." Cabir said teasingly.

"Come on, Cabir. At least spare the kids from ur jokes." Manik said and Cabir laughed.

"I can't help it. They seem to be inseparable.. I think u and Arya should fix their marriage. Oh how romantic it would be." Cabir laughed and Manik looked at him with bored expression.

"Done with ur PJ?"

"No, no just think what if in the future, they fall for each other?"

"We will see then."


I am back with a new story... After finishing His Star! Many of u requested for sequel and I kind of have some ideas too. So, here I am with His Possession.

I hope u will love this book just like u did with my other books. Please response and tell me how it was. I am waiting for it.

Love u all

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