» 08

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"popcorn, please?" asks eugene, still hungry despite having just finished a bowl of doritos. he doesn't want to look away from the screen, even though he's seen this movie so many times that he knows the main character is going to get possessed as soon as the suspenseful strings in the background music stop playing. he doesn't get a response, so he asks again. when keith has no audible reaction to the extremely loud voice of the demon entering the girl, eugene finally looks over, annoyed.

however, he's not expecting to see what's very clearly before his eyes, and, even worse, he's not expecting to feel a sort of softening in his chest.

keith has fallen asleep in the middle of a literal horror movie, his hand curled around the remote with an almost childlike want to protect it. his mouth is relaxed and his glasses slightly crooked. the thing that surprises eugene most is how young he looks—defenseless, even. the worry lines between his brows and the sadness in the corners of his eyes are completely gone as he slumbers on, blissfully unaware of the macabre scene on the television scene and his friend sitting motionless next to him. keith shifts slightly as a small noise makes its way out of his throat. eugene snaps his head straight forward, heart racing and cheeks heating rapidly.

damn it, eugene, he thinks. what the fuck is wrong with you? just chill. there's nothing wrong with..... watching your best friend sleep.
he shakes his head disbelievingly. you're crazy. you'd be in federal prison if people could hear what you're thinking right now. but his eyes gravitate back to the sleeping figure of keith, and that feeling is back again, stretching his chest like softened butter. he looks... soft. handsome. endearing.

eugene shakes his head as he looks back at the screen, for real this time. he scoots to the very end of the couch, as if distancing himself physically from keith will erase the man from his mind.  needless to say, it doesn't work.

and eugene just sits there in the 11:30 dark, screams in his ears and crushed-velvet tweakings in his chest.


100 reads already i'm gonna cry i love u guys so much wowie
like I can't believe someone would be interested in this (admittedly kinda awful) idea and my (admittedly pretty awful) writing
thanks so much i love you i love you i love you

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