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eugenebang: i need help

majesty: hey hoe

rynosaur: shane be nice

majesty: whatever

rynosaur: and stop pouting

rynosaur: i know you are

eugenebang: yuck stop being so married for .02 seconds

eugenebang: actually wait no bc i need advice,,, about,,, emotional stuff

majesty: well i nEVER

rynosaur: sure pal what's up??

eugenebang: so uhhh i've kinda just realized i think someone's cute

eugenebang: it's kinda problematic tbh and i've got no clue of what to do

majesty: well you must be s u p e r lost if you decided to get advice from other people; more specifically, us

rynosaur: is it a guy or girl??

eugenebang: guy :/

majesty: ofc it's a guy, ryan, this is yang we're talkin' about

rynosaur: shANE BE NICE

eugenebang: well i mean he's not wrong

majesty: so who is this mystery guy ??

eugenebang: uhhhhh wellll

eugenebang: please don't laugh

rynosaur: we would never !! we're here to help !

eugenebang: promise not to tell ?

majesty: yeah, yeah, out with it already

eugenebang: okay,,,,,

eugenebang: it's keith

majesty: hOLY SHIT I KNEW IT

eugenebang: wow is it that obvious ??

majesty: well i mean you are spending like all your free time together

eugenebang: well he had a breakup, so i'm keeping his lonely ass company

rynosaur: i don't know about you, but it seems pretty telling that you're the one he wanted to help him get through this

rynosaur: he's had quite a while to get over becky and yet he still wants to hang out with you constantly

eugenebang: that's ridiculous

majesty: no that's LOVE, BITCH

eugenebang: no for real he's v much straight

eugenebang: plus we're best friends. it's normal to hang out !

rynosaur: true, but it's almost constant

rynosaur: just stay aware,,, i think he likes you

majesty: i second that, sugar

eugenebang: ew @ you two

eugenebang: and okay... i still think you're high but whatever

eugenebang: i'll keep you posted bc emotional stuff is way too draining for this korean-american

majesty: have fun, loverboy

eugenebang: ugh ew see you at lunch tmrw

rynosaur: bye eugene !! try not to overthink things !!

majesty: and remember that emotions are a normal part of daily life !!

eugenebang: i'm leaving


this just keeps getting worse and worse

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