When She Meets The Guys!!!

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Vivica's POV:

"Let's go" AJ said. As we got out of the car, music was playing, people were talking, and people were eating. AJ took me to a table and there they were.... Brian, Nick, Howie, and Kevin!
"Guys this is Vivica" AJ said. "Hi, we would introduce ourselves but you already know who we are" Kevin said while laughing. "Hi, and yes i know who you guys are!" I said nervously. "Happy Birthday!" They all said in sync. "Thanks!" i said. While blushing like crazy. "We all got you presents" AJ said. "Thanks, but you guys didn't have too, i know AJ probably made you!" i said to the guys. "Well we wanted to and AJ didn't make us" Brian said while laughing. "Ok well I'll open up AJ's first and then I'll go in order" i said excitedly.
AJ's present: a charm bracelet that said big brother and little sister forever and always. "Thanks AJ I love it!" i said giving him a hug and practically crying. "You're welcome sis" he said while letting out a little chuckle. Then I opened up Brian's present: a big brown teddy bear that was holding a card along with a little necklace that had my name on it. "Thanks Brian it's so adorable" i said while giving him a hug. "My pleasure!" He said. Howie's present: a Howie D poster and a new silver watch. "Thanks Howie, i love the watch and nice poster!" I said while giggling. "No problem, and I know i look sexy in that poster!" Howie said as he was laughing. Nick's present: a new guitar and a guitar pick that had my name on it. "Thanks Nick!". "Your welcome and you're lucky i gave you that guitar because it was my old one" He said while giving me a hug. "Okay last but not least Kevin!" I said while putting my hands together. Kevin's present: a T-Shirt that said Kevin❤️ and a pair of royal blue sunglasses. "Thanks Kevin, i always wanted these sunglasses!" "Your welcome, and i know because AJ told me when we went to the mall last week, now come and give me a hug!" He said while smiling. Me and the guys went to get some food from the tables near us and we went to go sit down at open seats for all of us. After eating I met others like Boyz 2 men, Christina Algulera, Aaron Carter, the Fullhouse cast, and others. They also got me presents. I was so shocked to meet The cast because they've always been my favorite tv show and i have a lot of posters in my room. Did I mention that I met the Janet Jackson! People sang to me and brought me presents.

After about 3 hours we did what people do on birthdays and then it was time for everyone to go back home. Me and the guys stayed back to clean up and then we went back to me and AJ's place.

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