What's Going On?

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Vivicas Pov-  I hop into the shower and I wash my hair and start thinking to myself, I really wonder if Brian likes me

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Vivicas Pov-
  I hop into the shower and I wash my hair and start thinking to myself, I really wonder if Brian likes me. I get out of the shower and hear a knock on my door. I wrap my towel around my body and open up the door and there she is, my bestie Caiyah!

 I wrap my towel around my body and open up the door and there she is, my bestie Caiyah!

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  "Hey Caiyah, how're you", I say as I give her a big hug. "I'm good, now you gotta tell me about Brian!" I laugh at her and tell her everything that happened last night. She says, "well by everything that you just told me now and last night, I think that he likes you! If I were you I'd go for it! Plus Kevin says that you two would make a cute couple." Oh yeah, Kevin and Caiyah have been dating. "Yeah but he is like 5 years older than me and my brother has that stupid 'the boys cannot date my sister' policy". "Girl first off age is just a number and secondly that policy is nothing, I mean he is your older brother, he's just trying to protect you" "yeah but I mean, I don't even know how to tell him I like him" "well, you should just let him be the first one to say something ok" "alrighty", I say with a sigh. "Ok, now let's get dressed for this fancy dinner". I put on my red silk dress that goes all the way down and has a slit up the middle of my thigh, whip Caiyah's dress is black and has lace up top.
  We walk downstairs and wait for the boys, and they all come down wearing suits. (Picture up top^^). They all looked so handsome. Caiyah walks up to Kev and gives him a big hug and kiss and I think to myself, 'maybe me and Brian can be that'.
  We walk into the building and take our seats in this order: Kevin, Caiyah, Me, AJ, Nick, Brian, & Howie. We all had glasses of either wine or champagne and there were a few celebrities here as well. This was a charity event for the Make A Wish foundation. The boys have out $35,000 for the charity, which is great. I decided to grab my plate and walk up to the food tables. Kevin was following me, along with Howie.
  Kevin speaks when we start getting our food, "I heard about last night." Oh gosh, why did Howard have to tell him! "Howie you weren't supposed to tell him!" I say in low voice while whispering. "I'm sorry, but he talks to me about how the two of you should just be together." I roll my eyes and Kevin says, "yeah, I mean, Brian has told me that he has a crush on you. And trust me, I would know if my cousin has a crush or not." I sigh, "well boys, I don't know what to do." Howie turns to face me, away from the turkey and mashed potatoes and says, "just give it time Viv." I sigh and get the rest of my food.
  I get done eating and decide to go to bathroom to wash my hands. As I leave the bathroom, someone pulls me to the side. It's Brian. "Brian what're you doing?" "Vivica, I've been wanting to tell you for some time now, but I'm in love with you." I start blushing and then I kiss him. He grabs me face and I put my arms around his neck. Before we have more time, we hear a cough. I look up and see that it's Aj with the boys and Caiyah.... Oh gosh I'm in so much trouble!

Hey guys! Sorry I did this to y'all but I thought it might be good :) I'm sorry that the chapter is so short. It's finals week at school so I'm focused on that. I promise I'll be working on this story during break.

Littrell's Girl (Brian Littrell FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora