A great day

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Vivicas pov
   During that day we had our first concert around 7pm. Before the concert me, Brian, and Nick decided to go to the mall. We had only packed 11 outfits until we found out that we were going to stay longer so we decided to get about 5-8 more.
  As we got back to the arena it was 5:23pm, so we had about an hour to do what ever we wanted while the stage crew were getting everything together. While everyone was doing their own thing I was with Brian trying to help him find something to wear. I decided that he should wear a Kentucky short sleeve t-shirt with khakis and his all white Nike's. After I picked out Brian's outfit I went to go get him some water because I know he needed it.
   As I was walking in the lobby I saw two fans about 14 years old and the came up to me. The one with blonde hair spoke first, "Omg you're Vivica, Aj's brother!" Then the red head asked if we could take a picture. After the picture I learned their names the blonde is Erica and she's 14 and her cousin Bianca is 15. Bianca also told me that Brian and I should totally date and that made me laugh.

~Concert Time~

As the guys were leaving backstage I yelled to them "Good luck boys, make us proud!" I was truly so proud of how far they have came. I remember everything that they have gone through and this is only the beginning. The list of songs I order are
1. The One
2. The Call
3. Shape Of My Heart
4. The Perfect Fan
6. As Long As You Love Me
7. Everybody
8. Larger Than Life
9. I Want It That Way
10. Quit Playing Games

When it came to Shape Of My Heart, the boys decided to bring some girls up on stage. Nick, Kevin, Howie, and Aj all picked their girls. Brian started to talk, "Alright, now can Vivica come out here?". I was honestly surprised and nervous. I walked out on stage and Brian sat me down on the chair for "his girl". They started singing and Brian had is eyes on me the whole entire time. I was blushing when we winked at me. I looked alway and noticed that Aj was looking directly at Brian and he made a 'what's going on with them' face.

~After Concert~

  The concert was amazing and we were gonna go out to dinner tonight. We decided to go to a Mexican restaurant called Dos Pesos. I sat in between Howie and Brian. We were talking about the concert and then all of a sudden I felt a hand on my thigh. I look down and notice it was Brian's. Omg what's going on?
  I look back at him and he smiles at me, I smile back at him. I just ignore it and continue the talk with the guys. We get back home and as I walk into my bedroom Howie is hot on my heels. "What the hell is going on with you and Brian!?" I was so shocked. He yelled at me quietly. I looked down, "I don't know he just did it ok, I don't even know why you're acting like this, you aren't my brother". He softens his face and grabs both of my shoulders, "I know I'm not your brother but I just want you to be careful". I smile at him and hug him, "thanks Howie I appreciate your concern". He laughs and says, "yeah yeah  get some rest".
  As he leaves I put on my pajamas. I call my best friend Caiyah to ask her for some advice. "Hey Vivica how're you?" "I'm good, look I need some advice" "oh gosh did you finally hook up with Brian?" I laugh and blush, "no I didn't but he did something crazy today" "omg what was it?" "He touched my thigh during dinner and Howie noticed". "Wow that's cute, but did Howie say something?" "Yeah he did and he's not going to tell Aj about it either" "oh that's good, look I gotta catch my plane and I'll see you tomorrow, but I want to say that we both know Brian's a great guy, but if you guys get somewhere just take it slow" I smile knowing that my bestie was telling the truth, "yeah alright, thanks love ya!" "Love you too V, see you tomorrow". I smile when she hangs up.
   I get into bed, and begin to think about what she said, 'take it slow'. As I start thinking I begin to slowly fall asleep.

Littrell's Girl (Brian Littrell FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ