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I haven't spoken to George since yesterday after he brutality yelled at me for trying to be sympathetic. I don't really want to talk to him for a while, unless he has a fair reasonable apology. Fred has been such a wonderful help after all I've been through. I can't thank him enough, he is the best friend anyone can really ever ask for.Hermione arrives tomorrow and I'm actually happy about it. Sure, I don't really like her, but I need help on my potions homework. Harry comes in a couple of days, and I'm happy to see him. I want to have a bit of practice before school starts, even though he can't do magic.

Any way, Fred told everyone what George said to me, and it seems as if everyone but Sirius was hating him. I felt bad, but I can't imagine how bad George feels. Fred stayed up with me all night, letting me cry into his shoulder all night long. Long story short, I feel like shit, and I look like it too.

It was sometime after breakfast, and Sirius and I were in the kitchen. Molly, Ginny, Fred, Ron and much to every-ones dismay, George all went to visit Aurthur and I really didn't want to go, so I stayed home. I've been thinking about this for a long time, and since I was of age I wanted to be apart of the order. I was hoping Sirius knew how I could get in, or if he would let me in.

"Hey, Sirius. Can I ask you something?" I ask warmly.

"Oh I suppose, what's on your mind?" He asked curiously. That's what I loved about him. No matter what it was, he would always help you with it.

"I was wondering how to become part of the order, I am of age and I've been wanting to join for a while now. And you can't even deny me, I want to join," I plead. 

"When you get back to school, ask Dumbledore. He'll put you up to a bunch of work, but if you think you're up to it... Just be careful. Being in the order is not a walk through the park," He said warningly. I nodded, understanding completely. I went up back to my room and got my owl, Visions. Yes, his name is Visions. I decided to write a letter to Dumbledore.

Dear, Dumbledore

I was wondering if I have permission to visit you the moment I get back from break, instead of going to the first few periods of class. It's quite urgent, sir.  I will await your reply. Have a Merry Christmas and I will see you when school resumes.


It would be a day before my letter reached him, so I had much time to spare. I worried, yet pushed it to the back of my head. I'm decided to stay in my bed for a few hours... maybe I could take a rest, since I haven't gotten sleep last night. Yes, that's what I'll do. A nice, peaceful sleep. Before I knew it, I was out like a light.

~~~Fred's POV~~~

I wish George wasn't blood related to me. Quite literally. Mum wasn't to thrilled with George coming, but it was our dad in the hospital so. That, and I think she wants him far away from Hannah, which I don't blame her for. I've been extremely protective of her since George made that mistake of the "love potion". He was still my brother, but I don't trust him as much. Yet we're both still persuading our dream of opening a joke shop in Diagon Alley after we leave school. I'm bringing Hannah, even if she doesn't want too. She's in no way staying at Hogwarts any longer. Especially with Umbridge there. Such a foul toad. 

I looked around the hallway, waiting to go in to see dad. It was only two at a time, with the exception of mum. Currently in the room now was Ron and Ginny. I had the honers of being with George. Woo. I didn't really want to talk to him, but if he had something to say I may listen. I had another 25 minutes until I saw dad, when George pipped up. 

"I'm sorry, Fred. I know you and everyone else hate me. I've been a right foul git. I don't know what's going on anymore now. I'm so lost. I want to apologize to Hannah, but she won't talk, yet let alone look at me. I need help Fred, but you don't have to help me. I just needed that off my chest," He sighed  "Sorry to bother you, forget I said anything,"

"George, I'll try to help you, but you really did hurt her. She never knew her dad, you know that. She was just trying to comfort you, that's all. Then you turned into a git and yelled that to her face. She won't forgive you easily, but if I were you, I'd try your best to get her to forgive you. You may want to give her a few days. And maybe buy her a Christmas present, if you haven't already," I still need to get her one as a matter of fact. It was only a few days away until Christmas Eve.

"Thanks Fred, again I'm sorry for everything I've put you to through. I feel awful. Yet, do not sleep with her if she's ever in some state like that again. That's my job," He said seriously. Anger was flashing through his eyes, yet in an instant they were gone.

"If you must know, we never slept that night. Hannah cried and talked to me all night. Don't go assuming things, George," He looked at me and nodded. Finally, Ginny and Ron came out and we were able to go in. 

Dad looked awful. He was all bloody and bandaged up. Purple bruises were around his face and arms, and his voice was weak. I had a more burning hatred towards Voldemort, and I cannot wait until he is defeated. Mum and dad were talking about things, so I decided to go home and rest, since I haven't slept since two nights ago. I apparented home and found Sirius in the kitchen, reading the Daily Prophet. 

"Hannah is upstairs in her room, if you were wondering," He said, kindly.

"Thank you,"  I went up to her room, and found her curled up in a ball and sleeping peacefully. The poor girl needed sleep so bad. I sat next to her and kissed her on the forehead. She stirred but seemed to smile slightly in her sleep. I got up for the bed and went to my own room, prepared to take a long nap. Laying down in bed gave me a chance to think a lot. Everything I've done for her was giving me more of a reason to like her. I may do, but my mind hasn't figured it out quite yet. I lay down and let sleep overcome me in darkness.

~~~Fred's Dream~~~

I was at a beautiful wedding. Not my wedding of course, but a wedding. The groom, I couln't make him out. But the bride. The bride I knew. It was Hannah, and she looked breath taking in her dress. It was a light purple wedding dress, that flowed gracefully in waves so it was a sea of purple on the grass, which seemed to fit perfectly. Her blonde hair was curled in a gorgeous way, framing her face perfectly. Her blue eyes shined, and they were a more blue-grey, but looked amazing nonetheless. A rage of jealous hit me. She can't just marry any old git, who could possibly end up hurting her. I walked over to Hannah, but I ended up walking away from her. It took me a minute to realize, that I was the groom, and I was marrying her. I felt over comed with joy and walked back over to take her hand into mine. She looked at me and mouthed 'I love you' before the priest said his thing.

"Do you, Fred Weasley, take Hannah, to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do," I grinned madly

"And do you, Hannah Deadman take Fred Weasley as your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do," She pulled me in for a kiss that was ever lasting and amazing. I've never felt so happy in my life. But as sudden as the kiss, she started to cry in pain, and I realised she was melting. 

"Fred, I love..." She never got to the last part, for she melted from my hands, as everyone else in the crowd melted too.

"I warned you Fred, now you will pay," Said a voice in the sky. It was George. I felt an unbearable pain afterwords and I blacked out.

~~~Fred's POV~~~

I woke with a start. The wedding was amazing, but after was hell. I don't know if that was a dream or not. I looked at my clock. 10 o'clock. Damn I've been out for a while. I wonder if Hannah is up. I get up and walk across the hallway, to hear a sobbing coming from her room. It was hers, and I didn't like how she was crying. I burst through the room and she looked up startled, but relief came to her face when she noticed it was me.

"Fred! Oh Fred, it was awful. I thought you died. I had a dream were you melted away and I was torture after a strange voice said that I've been warned," She shook uncontrollably and I pulled her into a tight hug, trying to comfort her. 

"It's okay, it was just a dream, no one is going to hurt you. I promise," She looked up at me and gave a slight nod, and curled up into my arms. I do know now, one thing is for sure.

I've fallen for Hannah, and worse then when George did.

Okkaay! So. Yeah. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Song in the link is irrelevant, I just love it <3

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