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~~~George's POV~~~

It's been a a few weeks since I've asked Hannah out. It was now November 30th, we had a few weeks till Christmas break, which i was ecstatic for. Hannah is coming back to the Burrow with everyone, and Ally's even joining us too. Everything's going really well. Hannah and I were sitting in the common rooms being silly as always.

"Hey George?" She asked with her cute little way

"Yes love?"

"How long have you liked me?"

I stare at her. I knew she was going to ask me about this eventually. I sigh. "Well it was 1st year...,"


"So Fred, George, you two nervous for school?" My older brother Percy said

"No, we were born ready!" Fred and I say together

Percy walks through platform 9 and 3/4, shaking his head and mumbling under his breath. Typical Perce. Percy was always the "no rule breaker stuck up" kid, even as he was growing up. He had firey red hair like us and big brown eyes too. He was in 2nd year, while we were going in 1st. After Fred and I walk through the platform, Mum hugs us goodbye and we board the train. We look through every compartment and can't find a god forsaken seat. Finally Fred found one.

"Oi, George this girl here says we can sit with her," He states, while point to the compartment.

"Okay Freddiekins," We walk in and see a lone girl looking out the window

I sit next to Fred and observe the girl. Straight beach blonde hair, dazzling blue eyes that shone with excitement and a hint of fear. But what really caught me was her beautiful face. Her smile was contagious and it radiated with happiness. Her facial structure was nice. I could see Fred giving her googly eyes. A wave of anger and jealousy hit me. He will not be hers. She'll be mine.

"So who are you?" I asked

"Er... my name is Hannah Deadman.. Who are you two?" She says, just a tad bit scared.

"I'm Fred," I point to myself

"And I'm George," Fred says.

"Okay, Fred," She points to Fred. "And George," She points to me.

"Cleaver girl." She smirks and looks out the window, a tad bit sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask, with concern

"It's nothing," She said, quickly covering it up. I know we just meet but I want her to be okay. A knock was placed on the door as it slid open.

"Mind if I sit here?" A short girl with brown wavy hair asked us.

"No no come in!" Fred said in a rush. That bloke. Already falling for another girl. 

"My name's Ally, nice to me you all." She said.

"That's Hannah, George my brother and I'm Fred!" He grinned. Blimey.

And that's how it went from there. We all became best friends, Fred and I ended up falling for the girls and we were as happy as ever. And of course were all in Gryffindor. We were the terrible 4, always pranking and causing mischief. About two years later, I figured out that I loved Hannah. Fred loved Ally and we would protect the two no matter what happened. That's when Ally dated Draco Malfoy, even if he was two years apart. Fred changed. He wasn't as happy but tried to support Ally and Dracos relationship the best he could. Poor kid. 

"George what am I going to do?"

"Just wait till they break up." As I said that, Ally burst through the common rooms bawling her eyes out. "Ally! What's wrong?" Fred asked

"I broke up with Draco. Him and his goons chased me down and started threating me everywhere. Then Draco slapped me and his goons kicked my legs.' She sniffled. And that got Fred going. He was going to kill Draco. 

"Fred, it's what he wants. Don't go after him." Fred sighed. "Come here Ally." He took her to our room, probably to comfort her and talk no doubt about it. If Draco ever did that to Hannah, I wouldn't hesitate to kill him. 

This girls got me crazy in love. 

~~~End of flashback~~~

"Wow, Georgie, didn't know you were that sensitive," Hannah joked and bumped my shoulder.

"Haha yeah, I don't want you hurt or worse killed. So I want to keep you safe. No matter how cheesy it sounded it's true,"

"I should call you the cheese master then," She got up and bowd in front of me. "Oh holy cheese master."

I grinned. I'm going to enjoy Christmas.

HELLO!! So yeah this was a flashback chapter, Wasn't the greatest but next chapter will be good I promise. The song in the side is so cute, and it describes Geroge and Hannah's relationship (you'll see why very very soon :3)

Comment and votes and so apperciated! :D 

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