Its Over

673 19 15

⚠️⚠️Listen to lovely by Billie Eilish in this chapter just keep replaying it because the song isn't long enough ⚠️⚠️

Liam's pov

Okay I know it's wrong, I have a boyfriend
But there's just something about Jake.
I heard Nolan talking to someone and I heard... his voice but I was probably going crazy he's not here. Then I heard more talking, "Nolan I'm coming in." I said opening the door to see Nolan crying
And I heard a thump from out side
I looked down but I didn't see anything,
"What's wrong?" I asked and he just looked at me then looked at the window
"I miss dad." He cried hugging a pillow a sudden pain in my chest hit but I ignored it, "I do too Nol-." I was cut off by him and his look of rage, "No!! You don't!! And you never will!! You brought home Jake!! You're cheating on him!! All he ever did was love you!! He showed you his love!! And you left him for some piece of shit with brown eyes and brown hair!!" Nolan yelled pushing me out of his room.

Theo's pov

I didn't leave yet, I was on the roof of what used to be my home. I could hear Nolan telling at Liam and it tore my heart into smaller pieces. My boy was sanding up for me, but he was crying so hard and he didn't deserve it he didn't deserve to see Liam come home with a piece of shit.
I jumped down and ran to the one place I new he'd be. "What- Derek!" Stiles yelled looking scared an he ran away from the door. I walked in and shifted back,
"Wha-Theo oh god cover up... Derek is it possible to be that big... oh sorry... uh Derek a towel or something!!" Stiles yelled I swear to god it's always something with Stiles.

"Here....and yes it's possible to be that big." Derek rolled his eyes then looked at me, "Why are you here?" He asked sitting on the couch, "For starter I need clothes because I have to look for an apartment and WHO LEFT THE HOUSE WITHOUT NOLAN AND WHO LET LIAM BRING A PIECE OF SHIT HOME?!? WHO LET HIM DO THAT!?" I roared the last part and surprisingly they both flinched,
"We tried to get Liam to leave but he just said "like hell I will!! This is my home!!" And he walked in forgetting about Nolan momentarily." Stiles said sitting there,
Derek ran then ran back in with clothes
Handing them to me. I changed,
"Thanks." They nodded.

"Are you ever gonna go back to him?" Stiles asked before I left, "I'd always go back for Nolan. I wouldn't leave him there when he doesn't want to stay there." I said walking closer to the door, "I meant Liam." Stiles stayed and I turned around tears were already falling from my eyes,
"He doesn't want me the same way I want him, there's no point in my going back for someone who doesn't feel the same." I said walking away. I walked out and ran to an apartment I know near the school.
"Hi I'm Theo and I'm looking for a three bedroom apartment." I said walking in and talking to the person in the office
"Hey there Theo do you happen to have any kids or friends that'd be staying with you?" They asked and I nodded,
"I have a son and my friend will be staying with me as well." I said and they nodded.

"We've got an apart open you'd have to pay 1,600 a month some things are already payed for which is why" it isn't much when do you plan on moving in
"If I could get the keys to it now that'd be great because I have everything I need to move in." I said looking at him he nodded
Handing me a key, "Nice to meet you Theo, I'm Carlos and if you ever need anything I'm here." He sad smiling brightly at me. I do have to say he was attractive. I smiled back giving a wave as I went to get Malia. I ran all the way to the woods to see her sleeping. "Malia get up I got an apartment where we can stay, you can stay for as long as you want. Come on we just need to get your stuff I've got a blanket in my truck so you have to run and watch out till we get there" She nodded and we ran all the way back to the place with memories.

I knocked on the door and some guy answered, "I came for my things." I said while starting to walk and I was shoved back. I rolled my eyes and shoved him to the ground. I walked in grabbed my car keys and walked up to the place I wanted to go least. I walked into the room and grabbed my back pack and shoved my clothes in it. I shoved the bag in my truck and walked back in I grabbed a trash Bag and walked back up into the room and put the rest of my clothes and all my shoes. "Hey Ja-Theo!" Liam held his towel closer. "It's not like I haven't seen it before Liam, But relax I came for my things along with Nolan's stuff." I said grabbing the bag and walking back down putting it in my truck.

I tapped on the bracelet I always had on and my friend appears, "I need you to move everything out of Nolan's room and into my apartment." I said I knocked on Nolan's door opening it and he ran out to give me a hug, "Dad! Did you get an apartment yet?!?" He asked frantically
"Yeah Buddy all of your thing should've been moved there now." I said,
"It was Nolan's idea?" Liam asked looking confused, "He didn't like that you came home with someone that isn't me. He told me to get an apartment so he could come with me and that's what I did." I said walking down the stairs with a crying Nolan.

He grabbed the gifts with his name on it and left, "Theo Wait!" I heard Liam say I had tears in my eyes, I thought, I found a way. I thought I found a way out of this mess! I thought I found a way to stop crying! "What Liam?" I asked in a harsh tone, "Don't leave." He said looking at me with a hurt expression, "I have to.. it's clear to see you don't want me and now you brought him into our home he's laid in our bed he's hugged my Mate, I get it... it's him." I said turning around, "No wait, please wait, Theo it's you!! Please!!" He was yelling it started raining really bad.

"Liam!! There's nothing more to this!! You brought him home!! He makes your heart beat rise!! He makes you laugh!! It's him!! I get it!! I'm sorry I wasn't enough!! I'm sorry I wasn't your everything!! I'm sorry i didn't make it!! I'm sorry i couldn't make you feel they way you should feel when you're in love!! I did what i could and i still lost you!" I yelled my knees gave out and i fell on the ground that was just a puddle of water but I didn't care the rest of me was soaked. "Please ,I don't know why I did it... i don't know why i brought him home-." Liam tried but he knew why.

"Liam! Don't lie! You had a reason to bring him home with you to let him touch you! To let him sleep in what used to be our bed! You had a reason! You know why you brought him! I've lost my whole world and you expect me to come back after you try making an excuse saying you don't know why you did it? I can't you've done this before the first time was an actual threat... there's no threat this time." I cried my clothes were soaked but I didn't care. "T-Theo please." Liam has nothing left to say.

"I can't... I cant be around to see you happy with someone else it'll kill me faster... this way I have more time to see Nolan grow up." I said, I know what I said was dramatic but it's true I will die. A wolf without its mate goes into very bad depression and eventually dies. I got off the ground and into my truck and drove away to Kira's house. I knocked on the door, "Hey can I get Malia's things?" I asked, I know I looked like a mess my clothes completely wet my eyes red hairs a mess, "Is s-She not coming back?" Kira looked ready to cry. "She'll come back she just needs some time." I said and have a small nod to reassure her. She nodded leaving quickly and coming back with a Bag.

I walked and put it in my truck. I drove to the apartment, Unlocked the door and everything had a nice decore. I walked to the counter putting down the bags to see a note of paper. 'Did some shopping while you were a bit busy with things hope you like it.'

I need to say a thank you to them later.
They always knew what to do. The pain in my chest got worse and it hurt so bad but I would deal with It.

⚠️you can stop playing the song⚠️

Fuck, I forgot Malia's presents, "D-Dad?" Nolan asked walking over to me, Boom more pain in my chest, "Y-Yeah Buddy?" I asked looking over at him, "Can Gabe spend Christmas with us?" He asked and I nodded he smiled and ran back to his room. Probably to tell Gabe, I tapped on my bracket and boom there they were,
"You forgot the tree." I said giving him a small smile. "No, it's in the closet with everything else I thought it'd be a nice bonding experience you you're son, Friend put up a tree for once." They said smiling at me and I nodded, "I'll be here to take pictures" they said and I nodded

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