"Pietro," she repeated. "Can you tell me how old you are?"

"Twenty-two," he said, his brows crinkling slightly.

"When is your birthday?"

"March eleven."

Wanda's nod confirmed that for Daphne.

"Where were you born?"

"Novi Grad, Sokovia."

"Excellent, Pietro, you're doing very well," Daphne told him. "Now, I'd like you to tell me the last thing that you remember."

His brows crinkled once again before he began, his speech coming faster and faster the longer that he spoke.

"We were in Sokovia. Me and Wanda and ... and the Avengers. We went to stop Ultron. There were lots of Ultrons, robots, I mean. Hundreds of them, I'd never seen so many. And then ... and then, Novi Grad ... Novi Grad began to fly. We fought, all of us, we fought all of Ultron's robots, stopped him from getting near the church. And then ... and then, I remember seeing Barton and some woman in black, S.H.I.E.L.D., I think, they went to rescue a kid. A quinjet came, it was shooting up the street, there was no way that they were going to survive. I remember, I remember ... a car?"

He shook his head after that.

"That can't be right, can it? A car, that doesn't make sense. But I remember it, I think. It's all hazy, fuzzy," he tried.

"That's alright, you can stop there," Daphne told him before he could begin to overstress himself. "I think it's safe to say that you're going to be fine. Obviously, you'll need to stay here for a while, at least until you regain your strength a little more. And I wouldn't worry about any small gaps in your memory, serious trauma – which you indeed suffered – can cause some memory loss. It may come back in time or it may not."

He nodded at her, "thanks, doc."

And then his head moved and his hand with it as he focussed on his sister, his twin.

"How long?" he asked.

"Three weeks," she replied, "Don't ever do that to me again!"

Quietly, Daphne left the room and the siblings celebrating not being separated.


It was nice having the place to himself, gave him a chance to stretch his wings so to speak. Well, strictly speaking he wasn't alone; there were probably two dozen S.H.I.E.L.D. tech guys running around, still in the process of setting up. But still, he was the only Avenger here, so that meant that he was in charge.

At least, that's how Sam chose to look at it.

A small chime in his ear alerted him to some kind of tech crossing the outer boundary of the property. Stark had spent ages setting up a system that completely covered the upstate New York Compound in a great dome; anything without the right code entering tripped an alarm, letting whoever was there know that there was a potential problem – be it saboteur, surveillance drone or something even more sinister.

A check of the info coming in to the tech incorporated into his arm guard told him that whatever it was was coming in from up high. And that it was tiny – had to be really, considering the size of the blip.

Following the source, Sam glided in to land on the roof. The fact that he couldn't see anything meant nothing. Instead, he had his new goggles overlay the rooftop in an IR scan and then on a zoom. There, not five feet in front of him. But it was tiny, real tiny. Actually, it wasn't an it at all – it looked like a tiny man, not much bigger than the ants that surrounded him.

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