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“LILY WAKE UP!” my dad screamed at me while opening my curtains and shaking me to death.

“Okay! Okay oh my gosh, okay I’m moving… like, houses!” I joked and sat up slowly.

“Right… I called Indy's foster family and they are all coming to our house for a… meeting.” Dad explained, I was glad to hear he had done something about this already. I asked Dad a few questions that I needed to know, although he didn’t give me the answers, then jumped out of bed and got changed. That’s when I heard the phone ring.

“Hello?” I said as I picked up the phone.

“Hi, its Indy. I found the house phone and the paper that had your phone number on.” She sounded panicked.

“Indy breathe for me ok, what’s wrong?” I asked, assuming dad had given them our number this morning.

“I want to come to your house before the rest of my family. Can I meet you at the jetty in five minutes?” she asked.

“Yep, I'm coming.” I hung up, putting my shoes on and grabbing my keys.

“Where are you going?” Dad asked staring at me like I was crazy.

“I am going to get Indy. I think she is upset.” I explained.

“I will drive, it’s quicker.” Dad and I jumped in the car and picked up Indy. In the car she told us that she was fine she just wanted to be with me and she was scared that her foster parents would be angry with what she had been doing. I told her that I understood and it was ok. We got home and I unlocked the door to let Indy inside.

“This is my house.” I welcomed her in. Her face lit up. I didn’t know what was so fascinating but it pleased her.

“This is so cool!” she squeaked.

We sat down at the table and I began to feel nervous as I knew that it was the right time to tell the both about the research I had been doing on Indy's family. “Indy, Dad, I have something you both need to know.” I began. They looked at me with awaiting eyes. “I have been doing research on Indy's family.” They both nodded. “Well, earlier I asked you Dad if you had any relationships after mum. I need you to answer that honestly now.” I explained. Dad looked at me with… fear?

“I did. She was called Sophia.” He spoke. I breathed in and out knowing that’s what he was going to say.

“I think that, Dad, you are Indy's father. Your girlfriend was called Sophia Timmons, right? That is Indy's mother… look.” I showed them the picture of her from the newspaper. Dad was in shock. He seemed to be staring at the page in disbelief. “Then it says here that she had been drinking to get over the loss of her boyfriend, Simon Thomas. Apparently she wasn’t coping very well.” I paused just to let them think for a bit. I turned to Indy who had no expression on her face at all. “I mean we are going to have to do DNA tests to check but do you recognise Sophia, Dad?” I asked hoping he would say yes.

“That’s Sophia.” That’s all he said. I could see the pain in his eyes.

“Dad, are you okay?” I asked as I put my hand on his. “Tell me.” Dad looked at Indy who was just staring not saying a word.

“Indy, I want you to know I loved your mother. I really loved her. When she died it took me months…even years to bring myself to think that I would be okay without her. You also need to know I thought she had got rid of the baby. I thought…” He put his head in his hands. “I didn’t know you were alive. Otherwise I would have looked for you. I am sorry. I ran off because I couldn’t cope with the fact that your mother was pregnant. At the time, I was scared. Can you forgive me?” he looked up at Indy.

“I understand, everyone is scared sometimes.” She smiled an emotion I was hoping she would have. Dad sighed and gave us both a hug. We decided unless they asked, we would not talk about Indy and dad’s relationship.

“So, you’re my father.” Indy started to cry happy tears, tears of joy. “I have a parent!”

“No Indy, you have a family!” I corrected. “Now your foster parents will be here in a minute. Have they even noticed your ankle yet?” I questioned.

“No, I got home when everyone was asleep. Sally, my mother, came into my room to say that my friend called and we are going round, but I was in my bed. She didn’t notice me go outside and leave.” Indy explained. Her foster parents were so irresponsible.

The door rang and dad let them in. We all sat down at the square, wooden table. Indy was next to me, dad was next to Indy, Sally (Indy's foster mother) and John (Indy's foster father) sat at the end.

“Aww Indy, honey come her. What are you doing over there?” Sally tried to play the whole ‘I'm innocent’ game but it wasn’t fooling anyone. Indy just gave her a non-loving look.

“It has come to my attention that you two are not looking after Indy very well.” My dad began.

“Why would you care and how what makes you say that?” Sally spoke while John was just slouching in the chair, not really caring.

“Indy is Lily’s friend and Indy has a fractured ankle. Did you even notice that?” Dad pointed out. “Lily took her to hospital last night while you were asleep because she fell down the stairs in your house.” Sally seemed to be giving us horrible looks like we were telling her how to parent her child or something.

“No I didn’t… Why didn’t you tell me?” Sally asked Indy.

“I don’t like you.” Indy simply answered confidentially which was a surprise.

“We would like to adopt Indy. We can do it the easy way: you can give up Indy and we will adopt her, or you can make it harder and we will go to court.” Dad explained.

“I'm not letting you have my little girl.” Sally argued. That was it! I was going to have to butt in. I jumped out of my seat.

“You have had her for three weeks?! In that time what have you done for her. Oh wait yeah, I forgot – nothing!” I screamed. Dad told me to sit down. We came to the conclusion that we were not going to agree and that going to court was the right decision. Sally and John picked up their bags.

“We will wait for you in the car.” Sally said to Indy.

“Indy, you are going to have to stay with them until we can sort things out. See you at the jetty. You don’t need to come tonight so I will see you tomorrow. I love you.” I hugged her then helped her to the car. I waved Indy off and took a big sigh of relief that both Indy and dad were not angry with me.

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