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I was extremely grateful for all Lily had done for me. The whole talk we had on Tuesday reminded me that I wasn’t the only one in the world without a mother. She made me feel loved for the first time in years. I really think she made me have more hope, for getting out of this place I mean. I hated it in there. It was like a living hell. I don’t know what I ever did to make Sam and his gang bully me like they did but I do know that if I told anyone it will just make it worse because the people there wouldn’t do anything about it. Well, they might just tell them not to do it, without a care in the world, then Sam would know that I told. It just got worse and worse until I couldn’t even go out at night; it would be unsafe anymore. I wouldn’t have Lily anymore. I wouldn’t have the only person in my life that ever wanted me. Surely that was worth protecting, keeping safe, so I was going to do anything in my power to protect it even if I did get hurt. But it was worth it right?

I realised my trail of thought was getting more and more unbelievable and if Lily heard it she would go crazy so I just kept it to myself.

I was desperate to get out of the shelter so I was going to try. I packed my few things, including the scarf Lily got me. I was just going to make a run for it. I gently opened the door and peered round the side. Sam was there outside my room. I brought my head back inside and shut the door. Taking a deep breath, I quickly opened the door, then ran down the corridor as fast as I could possible go and around the corner. I came to a halt. Jamie, Sam’s brother towered over me.

“Where do you think you are going?” He asked intimidatingly

“I-I…umm, I don’t know.” I stuttered. Sam and the rest of his gang circled around me. I didn’t know where to go, what to do, what to say, where to turn. I started turning around looking into their eyes and they stared me - a terrifying look. I was petrified and they knew it. I made the brave decision to run. I burst past Sam and started run. He caught up with me and swiftly grabbed my legs, making me fall abruptly to the ground, and then it was just blank. I didn’t know what I was thinking.

 After a couple of seconds I came around. My head was pounding as I yanked myself up, only to fall straight back to the ground again. Everything was spinning around and there was sight of Sam and the gang from around the corner. Trying again I stood up successfully and wondered back to my room. Feeling very annoyed with myself I sat down. I rubbed my hand along my head, un-expectantly feeling a huge lump. I instantly looked up and peered in the mirror. Upon my face was purple bruise sticking out my fore-head.  It hurt really bad and made me feel slightly dizzy. I laid down to eventually fall asleep. However my sleep was interrupted by a loud knocking.

“Oi, Indy, open up!” Sam yelled. I just ignored him. “Indy you better open up.” He replied. I had decided to stand up to him a bit.

“WHAT do you want?” I started. “You have already hurt me, is that not satisfying enough?” I opened the door fuming.

“Don’t you talk to me like that!” he shouted.

“Why not, you are horrible to me, what did I ever do to make you think you can beat me up?” I screamed trying to be brave.

“I am big, you are small and there’s nothing you can do about it.” he told me. I shut up, not daring to say another word; he was already in my face and didn’t want to make it worse than I already did.

“Now, why did you leave your room?” he asked. I was going to be cheeky just one more time.

“Why do you want me there?”

“I can’t tell you that.” he looked to the ground.

“Why not?” I asked.

“I just… stop asking me questions.” He argued.

“Stop asking me questions.” I smirked.

“Well you are obviously not going to cooperate with me now so I will come back later.” He stormed out. I finally felt like I had defeated them. I was in control, or was a little bit a least, but I had better things to be worrying about; how I was going to hide the bruise from Lily. She told me not to go out my room and I broke that promise. I felt a shun of disappointment when I realised that. I had let down my only friend. I had to tell her that I broke the first promise I ever made to her.

I sat wondering about things for a few minutes but I had a headache so I eventually lay down, but getting to sleep was certainly not working so I decided to draw. I grabbed the pad of paper Lily gave me and started to draw. I had no idea what it was going to turn into but after a while it seemed to be a flower. I coloured it after finishing the pencil work. The flower was a daisy and turned out an alright picture but I always complained about something on the page, like the small details or the general outline shape. As it was never perfect. I knew that. There was always a few things that I could see was wrong. Although I think other people would notice more than a few. I didnt know that not everyone could draw reallly, I thought lots of people were good at drawing but Lily told me that, that was not the case. Which made me feel kind of special.

 When I was finished got changed into my old pyjamas and tucked myself into bed. My bed was cold and uncomfortable. I had had it for the whole time I have been at the shelter. It wasn’t the best bed in the first place. Now it just makes it even harder to sleep on but I just got on with it. What else could I do?

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