Going back to school

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Its the day on were i go back to school. Im afraid to cause its track days. I signed up on them, because i love track.*Kotoko walks into school, and looked at thentrack board.* Huh? Irie-Kun is doing it... He really doesnt do sports, what he told me. "Your looking on the board to see who your vs. with?" said Komori. I really hate her butnat least she is foing to Tokoyo school, while im staying here. "Yes i am, and i see that im vs. with you on 100 meter." I said. She will do track if Irie-Kun is doing it. "O well look i am. I should probley injure you again, but Naoki would be upset. O well at least who ever girl finish the 100 meter can go on a date with him, from what i heard. That may ruin your realtionship, but thats what he said..." said Komori. I know Irie-Kun would never say that. "He wont do that! He is to nice and he is my bo...." i started tp cut it off cause i know she would be recording. "Your what?" Komori said. I didnt want to tell her. "He's my brother as a friend way!" i said. Of course if i told her that Irie-Kun would be fustrated at me... "O ya i forgot, im his girlfriend well thank you..." said Komori. Whew that was a close one i said. "Boys get her" said Komori. All of a sudden i see tomatoes hitting me and i just saw everyone looked at me with shock, and started to laugh... "Komori stop it!" said Irie. I camt belive he is standing up for me. "Why? Were just having a little fun with her. Arnt we?" she said. I was to scared to reply back that i ran as i can to the girls bathroom. "You shouldnt have done that Komori! Your a stuck up hoe bag!" Irie said. I sat on the toilet crying, but then i heard someone knoking on my door. "Kotoko come out.." said Jinko. "I wonder were they have been? "Come on lets clean you up.  Also Irie-Kun is outside waiting for you." said Satomi. He does care for me that he waited outside for me... "Ok i will be out soon..." i said. I walked out and then Jinko and Satomi were washing my hair out and cleaning my clothes. They brought up my track uniform for today. "Thank you Jinko and Satomi." I said. They really are my best friends. "No problem! Thats what best friends are for!" said Jinko. At least they care a lot for me.  "Jinko is she ok?" said Irie. I really didnt belive that he would be out thier, tell i heard his voice... "Yes she is, do you want to see her, before she goes on the field?" said Satomi. I hope he says yes! "Yes and i will walk her to the field, ok." said Irie. He really does have a heart for me, but it may go cruel again... "Come on Kotoko" said Jinko. Jinko gave Irie-Kun my hand and we walked to the field toegether to practice on our running for the afternoon. "Do you need a break?" said Irie. I was checking my forehead for a while. "Yes i think so... Did you bring my medication?" i told him. I wonder if he did cause i forgot it at home. "Yes. I knew you would forget it like always" he said. I gave him glare and then kissed him on the cheek. Then here comes up Komori. "Naoki! Did you see my running?" said Komori. She's wearing these short shorts, that look hidueoes on her! "O well you did fine" said Irie. I know he would say that to her cause she is cruel! "Kotoko, by the way goodluck trying to beat me" she said with a big smile. I know she had another plan to take me out. "Dont worry Kotoko i will protect you from her." said Irie. Im glad he said that cause he means a lot to me... He bring me forward and kisses me on the forhead. I hope we stay a couple for a while....

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