The Child hood of Naoki Irie

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I remember little bits of my child hood. The days I use to be picked on because of how mother dressed me... "Hi mommy!!!" I remember saying to her when I was just a little a girl.... All of this still traumatized me and I can not ever forget this. But I believe its time for me to tell Kotoko about my child hood.

* At the Restaurant*

I walk into Mr. Aiharas restaurant and I see Kotoko there looking pretty. I walk up to the counter and sat there. "Hello Welcome to" as she was turning around. Once she got all the way around she stopped. "Kotoko I must tell you a story now." I tell her. She looks at me and takes off her vest she wears, and went around the corner. "What is it Irie-Kun?" She asks me. I look at her and smiled. "Well when I tell you, you will understand why I can't stand wearing nothing dealing with girls." I tell her. She chuckles and I began the story.

I was only born and my mother wanted a girl and she was for sure that she was going to have a girl but instead I came out as a boy. Ever since I was born she dressed me up like girl till I think I was five when I realized that I was boy. I walked into the girls bathroom to change into my swimming outfit that my mother got me and then boom. All the girls freaked out and the boys called me a cross dresser. So after that day, I got a hair cut and got boy clothes. Ever since that day I would not let any one say that to me.

"And that's why Kotoko I wanted to tell you." I told her. She looked at me and thought I was crazy. But instead it looked like she remembered something. "No wonder you always acted cold hearted." She told me. I nodded my head at her and she smiled. "Thank you Irie-Kun for telling me that" she tells me. I looked at her and smiled. "Your welcome" I tell her. She hugged me tight and then went to the back to finish her work.

I stayed there till she got off. Once she got off I looked at her and smiled. "So how was your day at work?" I ask her. She looked at me confused and then back down. "Well it was fun." She told me. I can see something was bothering her. "How was the date with Christine?" She asked me. I looked at her and then down. "She has no interest me but for sure Kin-Chan she does." I tell her. She looks at me and I can feel the excitement in her. "Really!?" She says. I nodded at her and she smiled.

We walked the whole way home talking and once we got home she went to her room and then I knew that tomorrow will be a great day to ask her.

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