Ch. 17

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It was finally the day. Hyunjin was going to get his test results today! He'd done well during their tutoring sessions so Hana was confident he'd perform well, but Hyunjin couldn't help being anxious. "You've got this!" She cheered for him. Her words gave him courage. He didn't want to disappoint her. Surprisingly, he found the test easy.

Hana was in her last class, anxiously watching the hands of the clock turn. She wanted to see his results already. It was the first time she'd ever been so antsy over a tutee's results. Her stuff was all packed up and ready to go. A minute left. The bell rang and she bolted.

Barely a foot out the door, Hana collided with someone. The force sent her flying back, but thankfully she was caught. "Ah, Hana are you okay?" It was Hyunjin. She'd bumped into Hyunjin. She only managed a small nod before he swept her off her feet in a hug and spun around. "I got a perfect score! I GOT A PERFECT SCORE!" He was absolutely positively ecstatic!

"That's great!" Hana beamed. "But, I'd like to be able to breathe while congratulating you."

"Whoops! Sorry." Hyunjin put the poor girl down. She was red in the face from embarrassment. He was causing quite the scene and a lot of people were taking notice. One of them happened to be Eunbin. She was less than pleased with the display. Hyunjin couldn't care less about everyone watching. He was too happy. "Let's go celebrate!" He took Hana's wrist and turned to walk, but she suddenly yanked her hand back. He was confused as to why then he saw her.

"Hi Hyunjin!" Eunbin smiled sweetly. She was squeezing Hana's wounded shoulder. Hana couldn't help reacting to her touch. As she squeezed, her nails dug into the small girl's flesh.

Jeongin and Minji had been watching as well. It had taken all of Jeongin's strength to hold Minji back. If looks could kill, Eunbin would've been killed twice over.

"Yah! Get off her!" Hyunjin ripped Eunbin's hand off. He glared at her then with the gentlest of gazes asked Hana if she was okay.

She answered with tears in her eyes. "I'm okay." The crack in her voice and the way she was cradling her shoulder gave her away.

Jeongin had had enough. He let go of Minji who immediately ran over to Hana to make sure she was really okay. Jeongin didn't know what was going on, but his gut told him it had something to do with Hyunjin. Hyunjin tried to approach Hana again, but his efforts were denied by Jeongin. "You've done enough."

Minji gave Jeongin's shoulder a tap. "We're leaving." She had her arms wrapped around Hana's waist to support her. Jeongin nodded and they walked off.

Watching Hana disappear in the distance left a bitter taste in Hyunjin's mouth. He was frustrated and angry, frustrated at himself for having caused her trouble and angry at Eunbin for hurting her. Most of all, he felt useless. Why hadn't he done anything?


So I wrote this almost 2 years ago now. I kind of want to rewrite it since I think the story still has potential. I just want to switch a few things up and cut a few characters out. Would anybody be interested in that?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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