Ch. 1

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It had been a day like any other. Bang Hana had gone to school as she did every day. She'd spent the day diligently listening to her teachers' lectures and joking around with her best friends, Yang Jeongin and Kim Minji. They were all pretty chill considering their midterm results had just come out. Others, unfortunately, weren't so pleased with their results.

"Yah, would you look at that." Jeongin sighed as he nodded proudly at the class rankings posted on their bulletin board. "Our Hana is doing great as usual!" He beamed as he ruffled her hair.

Minji suddenly clapped a hand down onto Hana's shoulder, a suspicious look on her face. "Since you did so well, we should celebrate!" She quipped, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Hana rolled her eyes. "So you want me to treat you to something?" Minji was too predictable. She merely replied with a knowing chuckle and a thumbs up.

As they continued to discuss their after-school plans, their homeroom teacher walked in to end the school day. Mrs. Kim encouraged the students who didn't do so well and congratulated the students who worked hard. Much to Hana's surprise, Mrs. Kim called her out as she ended her lecture.

Her two friends gave her worried looks. "What did she do wrong?" The thought crossed Jeongin's mind. Minji didn't know either. Hana was an angel. Sometimes, even too much of an angel. When Mrs. Kim left, Hana followed suit, mouthing only a quick "bye" to her friends before running after their teacher. They didn't have anything to worry about, but they couldn't help being anxious. There was always someone eyeing their friend with envy and sometimes, they caused problems. They only hoped this wasn't another one of those problems.

Hana quietly followed after her teacher. They were probably going to speak in the teachers' office. Once they got there, Mrs. Kim collapsed in her chair and sighed. "That's not a good sign." She thought to herself, trying to recall any recent slip-ups. None came to mind, which only made her more nervous. "You – you wanted to see me, Miss?" She stuttered, unable to maintain her straight face. Mrs. Kim beckoned her to lean in closer then quietly thanked her for tutoring her son. She breathed an internal sigh of relief. Hana had tutored Mrs. Kim's son, an incoming freshman at their high school earlier in the year.

"Thanks to your tutoring, he hasn't had any trouble with his classes!" Mrs. Kim gushed proudly.

Hana smiled, happy she could help. "I'm glad to hear it."

"I'm sorry I dragged you out like that. I just really wanted to thank you for teaching him so well." Mrs. Kim explained as she pulled a few bills out of her wallet. She forced the money into Hana's hands and winked. "Consider it a bonus."

Hana wanted to return the money, but the look in her teacher's eyes told her it would be best not to argue. She awkwardly smiled and bowed. Well, at least now she had some cash to treat her friends with.


Hana was startled by the sudden yell. She looked over and wasn't surprised to see a teacher scolding a student over a poor mark. The student had his head down in shame. She felt bad for him. His teacher didn't have to embarrass him in front of all the other teachers.

The teacher massaged his temples, clearly frustrated. He looked over at Mrs. Kim and Hana and sighed. "I'm jealous of you Mrs. Kim," he whined, "you're students never do this badly."

Mrs. Kim brushed his comment off. "That isn't true. Ms. Bang here helps everyone stay afloat in math." Hana's eyes grew wide. Why was she suddenly a part of the conversation!?

Hana saw the student roll his eyes as his teacher continued to praise Mrs. Kim, and by extension her. She felt embarrassed and guilty. She wanted to escape the situation so badly.

"Oh!" Mrs. Kim exclaimed, startling Hana once more. "Why not have Ms. Bang tutor him?" Her jaw dropped. Why was she being volunteered for this!? "You're okay with tutoring him, right?"

Hana couldn't say no to her expectant tone and the proud smile on Mrs. Kim's face. She reluctantly agreed. "I mean if he's okay with me..." She mumbled hesitantly.

"Are you sure she'll be able to help him? He's a senior."

"She's a math genius! Ms. Bang has already mastered high school math."

Hana was hit with another wave of embarrassment. Great, she had somehow become involved with some senior she didn't even know. She couldn't believe her luck. She honestly just wanted to bang her head against a wall. She couldn't deny her own capabilities so instead, she worried how much of a blow this probably was to the senior's pride.

The senior spoke up. "She doesn't have to." He spoke in a frustrated tone. Hana couldn't blame him. She would've been frustrated too.

His teacher clicked his tongue at him. "Aigoo, this kid," he scolded, "just accept the help and be grateful she offered!"

"When did I ever offer my services to you?" Hana muttered under her breath.

"Did you say something?"

"What? No, nothing at all Mrs. Kim." The polite smile she threw on was enough to fool her teacher.

The still unknown teacher got up and thanked Hana in advance with a bow. He made his student bow as well, although his discomfort was evident on his face. Mrs. Kim and Hana bowed as well. The mean teacher warned him to do better next time or else.

After an eternity, Hana and the senior were finally let out of the room. She heaved a great sigh of relief, leaning on a wall to catch her breath. She was exhausted and overwhelmed.

"You don't have to tutor me."

She glanced over at her senior. He was clearly embarrassed. She shook her head and gave him her usual polite smile. "I'd love to help if I could." He seemed surprised. Before he could protest any further, she bowed her head and introduced herself. "It's a little late, but I'm Bang Hana of class 2-1. It's nice to meet you."

He seemed flustered. "Y-yeah," he stuttered, hesitantly bowing his head at her, "um, Hwang Hyunjin... It's nice to meet you too."


How was the first chapter? This is my first story so please be kind. I hope to write a lot more so stay tuned 💕

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