Ch. 9

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Hana had to think fast. She smiled as brightly as she could at Hyunjin all while begging him to leave with her eyes. "Thanks for walking me home, Sunbae." She started pushing Woojin in the direction of the apartment building and waved goodbye. "See you on Monday!" Hyunjin waved back, albeit confused.

"Yah Bang Hana, what do you think you're doing?" Woojin was upset, really upset.

"Oppa," she pleaded, "let's talk about this inside." She was still pushing him.

He quickly turned and grabbed her wrist. "Fine." He practically dragged the girl back home. She was so dead.

They walked into the living room where they found Chan lounging on the couch. Hana pouted at him helplessly. He shrugged and said sorry. "I tried to stop him."

Woojin sat her down beside her brother before taking up the other side of the couch. "Explain." She swallowed the lump in her throat. He meant business.

Chan spoke up before she could even begin to think of what to say. "What does she have to explain?" It was moments like these that reminded Hana of how much she loved her brother. He was the best brother ever!

"You didn't see it!" Woojin exclaimed in frustration. "He was definitely flirting with her!" He went on to describe how Hyunjin had touched and held Hana. She blushed at the picture he painted. He made what Hana thought was innocent playing sound so scandalous.

"And what's wrong with that?" Chan directed his attention to his little sister. "Was he making you uncomfortable?"

She adamantly shook her head and hurried to explain. "We were just fooling around. Oppa's describing it weirdly." Chan threw an arm around her shoulders. Hyunjin had done the same, but it was different. Chan'd was warm and felt like home. Hana wasn't sure how to describe Hyunjin's touch yet.

Woojin wasn't convinced. "I don't like him."

Chan gave Hana a hug and told her to go to her room. He didn't have to tell her twice. She hurried to the sanctity of her bedroom and shut the door behind her. She let out a big sigh of relief. She felt nervous like she'd done something wrong, which was funny because she hadn't actually done anything. It was the first time Woojin had ever scolded her about a specific boy. Before, it was warnings about how men were dogs and so on. She was so glad Chan was around to save her. She gingerly put an ear up to the door. She couldn't make out any words, but they were definitely talking. She wondered what about.


So I think I'm not gonna stick with the whole updating everyday. I like to write ahead of what you guys are reading. Currently, I have several unpublished chapters and I'd like to keep it that way. You're comments and criticisms are always welcome. I'd appreciate it if you guys would vote as well if you like my story 😊

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