Ch. 6

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Italics mean the characters are speaking English


There were still a couple of hours left until noon, but Hana had left early anyway. There was a bookstore beside the cafe they agreed to meet at and she wanted to check out their selection of books. She entered the cute shop. A cashier greeted her with a bright smile. His nameplate was labeled Kim Seungmin. She bobbed her head in acknowledgment. He was cute. It was a small, but a quaint store. It had a kind of simple and homely vibe. It was just her. She browsed through the spines of the books on the shelves, stopping every so often on titles that intrigued her. Nothing was really grabbing her attention until her hand landed on a book with an English title. It had been a while since she read something in English. Out of curiosity, she pulled it off the shelf. After reading the synopsis, she decided to buy it. She walked up to the register to pay. Seungmin was surprised by her choice. "Wow, you must be good at English." He said in an attempt to make conversation as he rang her up.

It was Hana's turn to be surprised. He had an accent, but he spoke the language well. "I was actually born in Australia." She couldn't help giggling to herself. This was fun. It had been a while since she'd spoken straight English. Hana and Chan more often than not spoke in a mix of Korean and English at home and she somewhat of missed it.

"Your accent is cool..." Seungmin didn't know what else to say. He was awed and a little embarrassed since he wasn't that good yet.

She thanked him left the store with her purchase. She checked her phone. It was almost noon. She walked into the cafe. It was empty too. She was greeted by two boys at the counter. She sat down at the nearest table and waited. The servers were staring at her intently and whispering to each other. They were making her feel self-conscious. Where was Hyunjin? The door opened, revealing an apologetic looking Hyunjin. He plopped down across from her to set his things down. "I'm so sorry. Did you wait long?" She shook her head. He seemed a little frantic. One of the servers came up to their table and offered them a menu each. He had freckles that Hana found cute. His nameplate was labeled Lee Yongbok. "What would you like?" Hyunjin hardly glanced at the menu before giving his order. Hana assumed he was a regular. She quickly perused the menu and decided on a strawberry frappe and a bagel. He nodded then signaled their waiter.

Yongbok came back, notepad in hand. "What would you and your girlfriend like?"

Hyunjin's jaw fell open. "GIRLFRIEND!?" Yongbok was laughing at his reaction, while Hana was too stunned to even speak. It never occurred to her that that was how they looked to others.


This ended kind of awkwardly. I wasn't sure how to end it, but this felt like a good stopping point so... I'm sorry again for not updating yesterday. Although you guys reading probably aren't all that bothered, I'm still really sorry.

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