Chapter 1.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters in this fan fiction. Hence the name 'fan fiction'. They are based off/taken from the book series 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief' and 'Hero's of Olympus". The author of these books is Rick Riordan.

~Quote of the chapter~

Don't expect everyone to understand your journey especially if they haven't had to walk your path.

§Nicos Pov §

The son of Hades was woken by the most annoying sound anyone can wake up to. His alarm clock. He groggily lifted his pale head off of his flat grey pillow and attempted to turn off the alarm. His attempt didn't quite go as planned when the alarm clock ended up smashed on the floor by his bed...

Great, my first day back and I'm already breaking things.

I arrived back at camp late last night, me and the 7 had defeated Gaea and were around a day away from camp with the Argo 2, but I really wasn't excited about spending another day with the annoying Leo 'Mc Shizzel' Valdez, Jason who's always trying to help me with Percy but he just doesn't understand I DON'T like him any more! Hazel and Piper are fine but Pipers always going off about how I should dress better and eat more. Annabeth doesn't really talk to me but that's cause she thinks I like her, gross right? Frank I don't mind, we don't really talk but exchange casual hi's sometimes. Last and certainly least Percy. He's well... I don't really know. I'll always have some sort of feelings towards him but I can't help that. I've tried hating him, ignoring him and all that but nothing works, I've even tried dropping hints for him (But being the stupid seaweed brain he is he never got them) So now, Percy and me are friends, it's still hard seeing him act like a love sick puppy when Annabeths around and sometimes he asks me advice on girls, like I would need any. If you don't know already I'm gay. And if you were wondering if I like rainbows and unicorns, then go to Tartarus. Those are all stupid stereotypes so get that through your head. So that's why I shadow travelled back here.

I decided to lay back down in bed and rest, I had my blankets covering my small body and head resting on my pillow, not quite comftorable but who could be on a century old mattress. That's when I heard someone whisper 'Nicooo' in a ghostly voice.

Wow. Now you're going insane.

I was about to dismiss the noise when I heard in again a bit louder, this time is was more of a male voice which was, quite frankly, kind of scaring me. I quickly turned around in bed and sat up to face the noise. Percy's face was shown above my small fountain in the back of my room.

Damn him and his Iris Messaging.

I glared at him, something that would make a normal smart person to flinch or back down but of course Percy was neither of those things. Heh heh. Percy lightly chuckled at me before saying "Did I scare little Neeks?" His voice a playful banter.

"Ugh Percy" I said while rolling my eyes, he could be so cute- I mean um childish sometimes. "You didn't scare me. Now what do you want?"

"You to get some clothes on dude, I got a girlfriend you know" He told me while attempting to stifle-but failing to laugh. Damn this boy could entertain himself, I still flinched at him saying girlfriend, it's never something I can get used to. I looked down at what I was wearing. Shit. I was only wearing black boxers, I took off my jeans and t-shirt last night before bed and I didn't have time to get dressed this morning.

"Ugh just a sec" I shoved the closest thing next to me on. A bright yellow T-Shirt that had a smiley face on it. Just my luck. Hazel had bought me this off my birthday last year to remind me to 'smile' more. Yay. I kept it on my night stand for her cause I knew she'd get mad if I didn't.

"Oh. My. Gods." I heard Annabeths unforgettable voice squeak from behind me. I turned back towards the iris message to see her now sitting on Percy's lap laughing at my shirt. This day just couldn't get better.

"Okay that's it. What did you want again Percy? First you wake me from my well needed rest and then laugh at my appearance I'm SORRY but this is suppose to be MY private time" I snapped at both of them, sick of this.

"Calm your tits Neeks, I'm just checking in. Making sure your home and safe, we're going to be back soon, tell Chiron okay?" Percy asked.

"Yeah fine"

"Alright, C'ya" Percy said while kissing Annabeths cheek. I did everything I could not to gag at them and so I ran my hand threw the screen causing the Iris message to deplete.

I threw off the stupid 'smile' shirt and put on actual black skinny jeans a navy blue T-Shirt and my aviators jacket. I ran my fingers threw my jet black hair attempting (But failing) at getting rid of my bed head. Lastly I attached my black as my soul Stygian iron sword to my belt and left my cabin for breakfast. Once I was down at the dining pavilion I took a seat at the Hades table and started nibbling on a piece of toast. I never really eat a lot, I know I should but I just don't. Food doesn't really appeal to me. The whole time I was eating I could pretty much feel the intense glares some kids at the Ares table were giving me. There was a group of them that always picked on me and occasionally tried to fight me. I know I have the power to stop them with the undead but that would just make me more of a freak then I already am. And trust me, that's pretty hard to do.

After breakfast I decided to walk through the woods to get to the sword fighting arena to try and dodge those Ares kids but of course my idea didn't work. I was almost halfway there when I could hear loud footsteps behind me. Damn. I quickened my pace but soon enough I felt someone place a rough hand on my shoulder causing me to turn towards them. Wrong move. As soon as I went to face them Dante, the leader of the group sucker punched me in the jaw causing me to fall on my ass.

"So runt, why'd you leave the fight early? Were you too scared?" Dante taunted me.

I picked myself off the ground and put my hand on my sword hilt preparing for anything these stupid kids would throw at me. I swept my eyes over there group. There was only four today. Weird, normally there's at least 6 of them. Dante was right in front of me, he had medium-ish soft black hair and dark grey eyes, he was very toned and muscular as well but in a fight he always tried to win with brute force which normally played to his advantage but with skilled fighters (like me >:3) we could beat him pretty easily.

The three boys behind him were Canine who had sandy blonde hair and Hazel eyes, Hunter who had short black hair and a HUGE ego, and lastly Dakota who had light brown long hair who was probably the weakest but most courageous.

"What do you want Dante?" I asked with venom dripping off my every word.

"What do I want? I want you and your whole freak show gone" Dante icily replied.

"Like that's going to happen. Let's make this interesting. Me vs. You, sword battle, no cheating. If you win, I'll leave camp. What do you say?"

"What if you win?" Dante asked sceptically. He wasn't used to fighting alone.

"Then you lay off of me. Deal?"

"Deal. Your going down di Angelo" Dante grinned at me.


First chapter up! Kind of short, but expect that. These chapters won't be too lengthy.

(This fic is in the process of being edited)

Next update soon, hopefully... :)

Question: Who's your OTP? Mines Percico obviously~


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