Chapter 15

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Hiccup pulls me through the snow struggling through my storm, fear is consuming me. "We need to find the north mountain," I say to him.

"Easier said than done," Hiccup told me looking around. He went to reach it his dragon blade.

I saw him hesitate as three dark shadows approached slowly. Two of them grabbed Hiccup forcing his arms behind his back. One of the guards forced a dagger to his neck. "Hiccup!"

Hiccup struggled in his captive but then relaxed. I saw him take a deep, calm breath gazing at me calmly. He knew what's going to happen. He was going to die here and he's letting it happen. He's letting himself die for me to be safe.

He gazed down at me again. "Just go..." He said trying to stay calm. ".... Don't worry about me!" I didn't want to move. I knew if I left Hiccup would be killed.

The other shadow approaches. It's Hans. I gasp then try and run away. "Queen Elsa. You can't run from this!" He yells.

I back away from him. "You've taken everything from me, Hans. My sister and Hiccup..." I start slowly glancing at Hiccup.  He continues to struggle with the blade up against his neck. "Look. I know you love my sister. I understand true love." I say then look to Hiccup again. "You can marry my sister. You can have her. But please let Hiccup go!" I plead.

"... Please... Just let him go!" I cry again. Hans looks to Hiccup. Hiccup gazed bad madly with the light of weakness in his gaze. The green colour in his eyes was pale.

Weakened? he's been weakened! "... Please that's all I'm asking. Let him go..." Hans nods slowly forcing the guards to release Hiccup. They removed the blade from his neck letting go of him.

Once Hiccup was free, Hans then looks back to me madly. "He's free! and about you're sister-" Hans starts but I cut him off.

"... Just take care of my sister." I say.

"Your sister?" He asked madly. "She returned from the mountain weak and cold. She said you froze her heart."

"What? No!"

"I tried to save her, but it was too late. Her skin was ice. Her hair turned white..." My face sinks as I realize what I have done. "Your sister is dead... Because of you." Hans yells.

In my blurry gaze, I see Hiccup. He looked shocked. I drop to my knees, emotionally broken. And with that, the swirling storm suddenly stops. The snow freezes mid-air, hangs suspended, trapped in grief. I start to cry. I can't believe I killed my sister. My only family left. The ice was cold in my knees but I don't care. I can feel Hiccup's presence. He's not far. He's beside me. Standing right beside me. Like he promised.

I stayed in that spot for a long time. I don't know how long I've been here, I don't care.

I suddenly hear Hiccup pull out a sword. I don't lookup. I suddenly hear someone yell. "NO!" I feel someone runs in front of me. Hiccup? No. He's still beside me.


I watch as a person covered in snow and ice ran up to Elsa. Anna! She runs in front of Elsa. "NO!"

In that instant, Anna freezes to solid ice. The sword hits her instead of Elsa. The sword shatters completely. The force of it sends Hans flying back and knocks him out. Anna's... Dead.

The Viking & The Queen [Hiccelsa] [Book 1] EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now