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He was flat on his hollowed stomach. Jagged claws digging into the stoney ground as he forced himself to crawl to the caves entrance. Tentrils of sunlight reached inward like warm outstretched hands awaiting his embrace. He wanted to cry. Needed too. But far too many centuries passed without him feeding on anything. The time was now. The moment he'd waited for ever since he found his way to this plain of torment.

"An immortal body is just a walking corpse if the heart no longer beats." His gravelly voice spit out. Dirt collected in his teeth but he didn't care. The end of the cave was just a few moments away. The end of his suffering soon to follow.

"So many ages turned by and yet I still cowered in this darkness as if she would return to me. And on what grounds did I hold this naive hope? Because she did once?Only for me to lose her again! No more Valmond. You can continue no longer. Hope should have died when she did." He was nearly at the lights edge. He could perceive the sun on his withered skin as a faint smell of burning flesh permeated the air.

"Lunara. Forgive me. Forgive me my love. I could wait no longer." His hand began to sizzle as he gritted his teeth against the sweet agony. He was finally weak enough to die by daylight. His body too starved to mend on it's own and as he clutched at the rocks beneath his finger tips, he was gladden to have just enough strength to submerge himself in its murky yellow glow.

"Lunara! I'm coming! I'm coming for you!" He announced to no one as he rolled to his back and felt the flames feast upon his chest. "Lunara!"

"What are you doing you fool!" A voice called in reply. It was deep. Masculine. And Valmond feared it was all too familiar. "Dammed vampire! You can't even see. Your eyes are glossed over. How long have you been like this?"

He felt his body being dragged back into the cold depths of the cave. "No! No! You- You deny me this! Let me go! Let me go!" Valmond whined like a toddler to his own ears. Reaching for nothing and anything that could help him get back under the sun.

"Stop it Valmond! You cannot die today you hear me? Not today! Your brother needs you. Malaquis is missing Valmond. And you are the only one who may be able to find him again."

"Malaquis? Little brother? Is that- is that you Quis? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I should have gone with you." Suddenly the delectable fragrance of rich, warm, blood teased Valmonds nose.

"No Valmond. It is Chrysoar. Your brother is not here. Drink vampire, drink."

Valmond could feel body heat press against his cracked lips as the taste of iron and salt met his tongue. His mind screamed to push it away and that he didn't want it, but his hands reacted instinctively. His fingers wrapped around their prey in a death grip. His fangs sunk in in a fervor as hot, delicious life, seeped back into him.

"Easy vampire. Let's not drain a friend." Chrysoar said with a chuckle while remaining motionless. Colors began to glimmer and sharpen. The cave was coming into focus. He slowed his draws from the mans forearm and eased his hold around it. When fog lifted in his mind Valmond bellowed with rage and shove at Chrysoar's chest sending him flying across the cavern. The sound of stone crackled and a plume of dust coated the space in an instant. Coughing fits followed by a, "I swear to Olympus vampire, if I didn't need to heal you I would beat your ass for this! What the hell's was that for?"

"You had no right!" Valmond yelled! Furious at the blood coursing through his veins. Furious at how desperately he wished to drink again

"No right? No right to what Valmond? Saving your life?"

They were standing toe to toe. Too powerful Mythics with their claws bare. If it were anyone else, any one, he would have killed them for this. But as much as Valmond was angry he couldn't stop the tears from falling down his boney cheeks. He calapsed to his knees and Chrysoar followed him down.

"There there my friend. I understand. I do. Just do me a favor and try not to waste all that blood that I just gave to you with those black tears of yours."

A moment passed. Then another as the pair moved to sit with their backs against the wall. Finally Valmonds mind began to calm and only one important thing was left on it.

"You claim my brother has gone missing? Explain boar."

Encounters With a Mythic: Three Degrees of ObsessionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora