read at 10:12 a.m.

Oh my God. I clicked my phone off & shoved it into the pocket of my
hoodie, not bothering to ask for permission as I got up & walked out of the classroom. Mr. Rowell didn't even notice, too busy telling his story.

Once I walked out of the doorway & shut the classroom door as softly as possible behind me, I looked down the hallway both ways. Not seeing any commotion yet. I was about to go down the hallway to my left but then I heard yelling coming from the right side of the hallway. My eyes widened & I jogged down the right hallway, making a sharp turn towards the noises.

I found myself slowing down into a walk as I saw all of the action in front of me. Ethan had Cameron Dallas pinned against the lockers & was punching him mercilessly, as Grayson, Meredith, and a few other people stood there watching.

Grayson was trying to get Ethan to stop by yelling at him & Meredith looked like she was fake crying. Everybody else had a shocked & intrigued expression on their faces.

I watched as Grayson made a move towards Ethan, grabbing his bicep & trying to pull him off of Cameron. Ethan moved his glare to his brother & punched Grayson across the face, causing him to let go of his twin & stumble back.

To my surprise, James was watching this go down too & he immediately went over to Grayson & comforted him, caressing his swelling & red face as Grayson stared blankly at him.

My eyes darted back to Ethan as Cameron gathered up all of his strength, shoving Ethan down to the ground & pinning him to the floor, beginning to punch him instead of the other way around. I stood there in shock.

Cameron got a few good hits in on Ethan, before Ethan flipped Cameron over & began to punch him harder than before. I glanced back at Grayson who was being hugged by James & Grayson looked at me with a pleading expression. He wanted me to help. I nodded my head slowly, slightly scared of what could happen to me.

I walked over towards the small crowd, pushing people out of my way
until I was in the middle with Cameron & Ethan. Ethan didn't notice me & continued pounding Cameron into the floor. Cameron looked badly like he was gonna pass out at any moment. "You fucking bitch!" Ethan spat as he bruised Cameron's jaw.

Ethan got off of him & dragged Cameron to his feet, slamming him back against the locker. Cameron coughed up some blood & my lips parted slightly. Holy shit. Why was Ethan so mad?

I took a few cautious steps towards the two. "Ethan...come on stop." I said hesitantly & Ethan snapped his head towards me. His dark eyes lingered on me for a second before turning back to his victim again & continuing to beat him. Cameron's eyes were fighting to stay open. Jesus.

I closed the distance between the two & I by gripping Ethan's shoulder & pulling at him. "Ethan stop! You're gonna kill him!" I yelled & he didn't hit me, but he didn't stop hitting Cameron either. "Ethan!" I shouted again. Nothing.

Cameron's eyes were slowly shutting. Ethan's fist raised into the air again & I knew Cameron couldn't handle anymore hits. I did the only thing I could think of.

I moved so that I was in front of Cameron, blocking Ethan's view of him. I wrapped my hand around Ethan's incoming fist & diverted it away from Cameron & I, causing his fist to smash my hand into the hard locker. I clenched my jaw as I saw the slight dent it had made into the metal. Ethan's eyes widened & he retreated his arm, leaving my hand to fall against my side. I flexed my fingers & winced internally. Ethan could punch.

I dragged my gaze away from my twitching hand & over to meet Ethan's shocked expression. Now that I could see Ethan's face, I realized that Cameron had indeed gotten a few good hits on him. His lip that was busted open & his flushed nose were both dripping thick red drops of blood. His cheekbone & jaw were also beginning to bruise more prominently, adding to the color the hit from his dad had given him.

Alps ✰ EthmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora