Helping me, so I was safely secure on the bar, he then pulled himself over as well. He drapped his arm over me, and held me tightly. "We can do this Bella," He encouraged. Im not sure if he was talking to me, or himself, but he looked like he didnt believe it.

All I could do was stare, and watch the rest of the people. The water was coming up fast, the boat was falling, and everyone was screaming, trying to hold on to the boat for their lives. I reconized one girl right away, Katherina. She was holding onto the stair railing, she was so close to the water, I felt bad for her. 

She looked up at me, her eyes pleading. 'Help me!' she mouthed me. I burried my head into Edward's shoulder unable to watch. I didnt realize I was crying, until a sob escaped my lips. "Ah!" She screamed bellow us, and I knew she was in the water.


"Someone Help!"


"The water!"

"Were going to die!"

Everyone was screaming, and I couldnt handle it. It was too horrible! Why did the ship have to sink? Why couldnt it still be floating, and everyone alive? 

Edward tightened his hold on me. "Bella, look at me," He demanded. I peaked through my eye lashes, staring at him. "Everythings going to be okay, Bella," He kissed the top of my forehead; We both knew it was a lie, everything wasnt going to be fine, we were going to die.

I lifted my head up, looking at the lucky people who managed to grab ahold of the bar like us, a man with blonde hair, and big brown eyes was holding onto a women with black hair and big blue eyes, all I could see was the fright in her eyes. She was scared.

I reached my hand out to her, touching her shoulder. I gave her a reasuring smile. She looked at me fightened, but as she saw me smile, something clicked. She smiled back at me, and I could tell she was feeling a little better. 'Its okay' I mouthed to her.

She nodded her head. 'Thanks. Im Mallory.' she mouthed back to me, smiling a little more. I was glad to make her a little happier. 'Just keep kicking, stay above the surface, dont let no one push you under,' I mouthed her. I liked her, It was nice to meet someone, even in the circumstances.

I looked away from her, to my other side, as soon as I did, I regret it. Beside us on the bar, was none other then Jack himself. "Jack!" I screamed at him. He looked at me, his eyes wide. "Bella!"

"Jack!" I screamed again, letting the tears fall down my face. "Awe, Bellyhop dont cry," He told me. How could I not cry? One of my best friends is on the bar, fighting for survival. I glared at him, wiping the tears from my cheek. "How can I not cry Jack? Your stuck on the bar, your going into the water!" I screamed.

He laughed. "Ill be fine! Just keep swimming Bellyhop, and youll be fine," He told me. 

I looked over at Edward, who was watching us. He looked a little angry, was he jealous? We were holding onto a bar for our lives because the ship was sinking, and hes jealous? I tried not to laugh. He couldnt be serious! I instantly felt bad. I thought he knew about Jack?

"Jack's engagged to Rose," I whispered to him quickly. Instantly, his face softened. I bit my lip. 

I looked back down at the ship, and gasped. Not many people were left, the water was coming up fast, too fast. We''d be under in another minute. I looked back at Edward, fightened. "When I tell you to hold your breath, do it," He told me. "Keep kicking, and dont let go of my hand," 

I nodded my head, the tears starting to fall. "I love you Edward," I whispered to him. His face suddenly changed, he looked ready to break in tears. "Dont you say your goodbyes yet," 

I pulled him closer to me, and attached my lips to his. His lips felt soft against mine, sweet. I wanted to kiss him forever and ever, but I knew we couldnt. We pulled back, staring at each other. "If we make it out alive, will you marry me," Edward muttered.

I stared at him shocked. He pulled out something from his pocket, and put it in my hand. It was a ring! It was shaped like an oval, tiny diamonds surrounded it, circling in; It was so beautiful! "Bella, will you marry me?" Edward asked me.

I looked back down, staring at the water, it was coming fast. I wanted to say of course Ill marry you! But the words just couldnt come out. After staring at the water for what seemed like forever, I looked back at Edward, I laughed. "Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you," 

He smiled, taking the ring, he placed it on my ring finger, kissing each finger. "I love you," He told me. Just as I was about to answer him, he suddenly stood up, pulling me with him. "Bella, its time, when I say 3 hold your breath, and keep pushing!" 

I nodded my head. 

"One," He muttered.

The water was coming fast, it was so close, I could feel it splashing against my skin.


It touched my feet.


I held my breath, and then it hit me. The water hit me like a thousand knives being stabbed into me at once, I felt like I couldnt breath, my mind stopped working, all I could think about was the water. The cold water.

That was the last time I saw Edward, we got seperated, and from that day on I never took off the ring. Its still on my finger, and I will never take it off, even if I manage to die, it will still be on. 


Me: He asked you to marry him, minutes before going into the freaking water!?! Who does that!? You were both going to die!! Haha!

Bella: Oh gosh! Not you again.

Me: Oh yesh! Me again! And its so cute that you dont take it off! Awe! If you ask me, its kind of corny. I mean, minutes before!?

Alice: *Stops the car* How did you get in here?

Me: Im just a ninja *Wiggles fingers at her*

Emmett: *Comes out from the truck* TABB! THERE YOU ARE!

Me: EMMMY!!! Did you escape them?

Demetri: Hey yo!

Bella: How did you all get in here!?

Me: Demetri did you know Edward and Bella are engagged!!!? There goes your chance.

Demetri: What!?

Me: Its okay, You always got me! *Rubs hand down his chest*


Rose: Emmet, what the hell?

Emmett: Oh hi Rosey!



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2012 ⏰

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